That’s really cruel. I know it is cruel because me and my cousin experienced something similar with my uncle’s Fighter Jet very accurate model standing on a shelf. We were reprimanded by aunt in advance to not even touch it, because uncle would be livid if something happened to it. We didn’t even play games in the same room where the model was. It got accidentally knocked over and broken into smithereens not by us children, but by a guest.
Also: well, the truth about NeuraLink is even worse than I imagined
So this guy steals his professor’s experiment, runs a company with it, they kill 15 out of 23 monkeys in a cheap replica of the decade-old original experiment and once reprimanded by his former mentor (and reminding him that the thing they copied is patented) he quits the company and Neuralink is left in the hands of Musk who essentially knows nothing on the topic and is selling it as a scifi dream come true… which its not even close to reality. NeuraLink as of now has literally zero commercial value and it’s unclear what will they do next, specially provided that it’s uncertain whether they can buy any more monkeys after what they did to their first batch (one of their test subjects, a female, suffered some complication and vomited non-stop for days until she died from exhaustion).
Getting inside someones skull with wires and stuff people have now is like trying to chisel out the microprocessor out of a chicken breast with scalpel and a bunch of wires and then wondering what went wrong.
For manipulating biologic matter someone needs biologic tools. Something like symbionts bio-engineered genetically to meld with person mind would be a lot better. It would obviously have to grow and live inside human head, maybe with small external port for communication with other symbionts that would work as body parts for disabled.
Also: this showed up on my YT reel and it’s interesting…
What they’re dumping is slag, the leftover from making steel. At this steelworks slag was made msotly of molten limestone used to obtain iron from the ore, plus all kind of crap like sulphur. The thing breaking out in large chunks it’s the inner lining made of refractary bricks, which prevent the steel hoppers from being as red hot as the slag. In some places cold slag was used as aggregate for concrete or road building, since it was mostly stone with a little crap poor metal left in it. Once the hoppers were empty, they were taken to a workshop and readied with another lining of bricks for the next slag cleansing of the furnaces.
So I am a bit of a drunk.
I like to drink Carbombs.
Sometimes the Txt I sent to people are hard to read.
I am thinking of going Dry in JUIY
not here for anything other than asking; am I the only one that turns to alcohol to block out the real world stresss?
I sometimes fly drunk in New Eden as the legendary Judge Sarn said Fly Drunk
I have absolutely had bad days at work where the first thing I did when I got home was open up a beer.
It happens to everyone @Iceacid_Frostpacker. Just don’t go making a habit out of it. If it is a frequent thing you need to look at removing the stress from your life.
You’re not alone. I know some people who turn to erotica, or even pornography when they’re bored. Which a person can easily become more numbed than they are drunk. I’ve seen extreme cases where people turn into Butters character from that LOTR episode of South Park.
I never drink, since alcohol messes up pretty hard and fast with my brain. As for daily stress, I do tend to play a videogame for hours on end. The games change over years, but that’s my go-to solution to keep myself busy and out of the troubles of gainign too much new information. i’m still digesting the bunch of YT videos I watched while taking a two day break from my current timewaster, and really haven’t recovered the extra tiem it took me to get asleep with so many interesting new stuff to think about.
In a way, my brain is already too high on its own substances, as to think about intoxicating it otherwise, specially since my real world stress has been over the roof for the last three years and there’s not much I can do to sort it out.