Sad. No more new Alan Arkin films. RIP.
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: it’s not quite the pressure of water what kills you, since that will always hit you at free fall speed…
…but the decompression of water at 400 atmospheres into the 1 atmosphere pressure of the air inside the submarine will cause the water to hit you at twice the speed of sound. Ouch.
Also only decompression without water would kill. Fat in the blood would separate out and clog everything. And bubbles of gas would form everywhere in body, even in brain. Person would be boiled without heat.
Now for something completely different.
Have you heard that you can stimulate visual cortex to see? That was so cyberpunk, and so long time ago…
That was an mostly interesting read. Thanks Nana!
Somehow I just ended up remembering this scene, my favorite film meltdown… only watched the film once and this ending is so over the top that I haven’t forgotten it.
Soo… Tweets no longer can be read unless you’re logged in, because Musk thought people was scrapping Twitter too much to avoid using the monetized APIs, but what is going on is a bug in the Twitter app sending massive amounts of reconnection pings… or something equally stupid.
Because when your business model is to have people coming to your place and watching adds intersticed with your content, preventing people from seeing your content is such a good idea.
Also: nighties lovelies!
Nice pet fedo plushie art, but fedos dont have eyes!
I blame CCP again.
It has according to EVE’s 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition plushie toy.
I am pleased by this surprising choice of cartoony artistry by CCP. Its very similar to artwork I created when I used to play in nullsec. I am happy with this.
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: what the eye does not please, Science learns from
This image of Neptune is full of things we can’t see, but it also is the best image ever of Neptune’s thin rings and dusty gatherings around them. The James Webb Telescope works on infrarred band and thus whatever images it rproduces are reprsented in false color for better appreciation of details rather than pleasing the eye. And funky stuff happens like when tiny moon Triton with its high albedo completely outshines Neptune since Neptunes’s atmosphere absorbs a lot of infrarred light and the planet is quite dim when seen under it.
Triton consists of a crust of frozen nitrogen over an icy mantle believed to cover a core of rock and metal based on how NASA describes the moon, perhaps one day Humans would mine it.
Black Frog Freight could transport the metal ore back to base camp earth in some distant future lifetime?
Is this where we like stuff?!
Yes, ma’am. You’ll also get liked…whether you like it or not(see what I did there?).
Nice avatar by the way.
/Changed to Weekend is upon us@ Party Hardy
Some national anthems are cute and sweet…
…some national anthems are spawns from Mordor…
…and some national anthems literally don’t mean anything since they don’t have any lyrics.
(That was the sign-off when there was only public TV in Spain and it would end broadcast past midnight, depending on programming)
The different atempts to put lyrics on what was born as a Grenadiers March written for the King back in 1770 have proven futile and thus here in Spain nobody sings the anthem (at best) or voice overs it (and you can live happily without ever hearing that…)
(BTW, although it’s the oldest of the bunch by a far stretch, the Spanish national anthem isn’t the only one without lyrics; neither Bosnia Herzegovina, San Marino nor Kosovo’s anthems have lyrics)
And, nighties lovelies!
Time doesnt exist.
That Azerbeijani isnt so bad, if you want to isten to something from land of orks you would have to go to drums and trumpets music mixed with some primitive chanting.
It would obviously be a march with andante tempo.