I originally wrote a long rant about cameras but erased it, not knowing if it is allowed.
Anyway, here’s a genuine photo of Hayley:
Good night, lovelies.
Live long and prosper.
I originally wrote a long rant about cameras but erased it, not knowing if it is allowed.
Anyway, here’s a genuine photo of Hayley:
Good night, lovelies.
Live long and prosper.
111,195 views • Oct 7, 2020
111K views - 4 months ago
The Vintage Space
366K subscribers
…wow, I’ve been totally disconnected from digital photogrpahy for years… looks like high end cameras still are a thing, and what prices! The only advice I can give you is from ages ago: are you the kind who always buys new lenses for his cameras? If yes, then go for the best body you can afford, since it will be just a first step in a long, expensive road and you better squeeze as much juice as you can from the body. If not and you just use to work with a few lenses, then think of which body suits better to those lenses. (This made more sense when each camera maker had its own lenses not compatible with other makers)
And now I’m off to bed. nighties lovelies!
Also: cold war relics on auction…
Auction will end on february 13th. There’s a wide array of KGB spy gadgets…
131,016 views • Apr 21, 2020
131K views - 9 months ago
Investor Center
29.6K subscribers
I’ve settled on the Z6 II for good. It’s the one I wanted anyway and it’s definitely more future-proof, meaning I’ll be able to use it longer.
Price difference isn’t all that big either… 650 Euros for the bodies only, but that shrinks down to 200 when taking the lens into account. (Bought separately with Z5 vs. kit lens with Z6 II - It’s the same lens).
26,627 views • Jan 11, 2021
26K views - 4 weeks ago
Investor Center
29.7K subscribers
Next days will be quite busy on Mars, as three missions are arriving to the red planet. Tomorrow 9th will be the arrival of UAE’s probe “Hope”, scheduled around 16:15 UTC. The probe will perform a braking maneuver that should render it into orbit around Mars. Live broadcast will start at 15:00 UTC here
Next will be China’s mission Tianwen-1, first successful (so far) Chinese mission to Mars. There’s no official data but estimates are around 12:00 UTC on february 10th. The probe will orbit Mars and look for suitable places to land a rover later in May. There’s a official Twitter account here.
Last to arrive will be NASA’s mission Perseverance, which will have its “seven minutes of terror” on the 18th around 20:55 UTC. There’s an official Twitter account here.
Best wishes and good luck to all three missions and crews, Mars isn’t an easy place and the Great Galactic Ghoul is always waiting for its next victim…
And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Also: 25 years ago…
193,104 views • Feb 6, 2021
193K views - 2 days ago
3.72M subscribers
1,930,286 views • Feb 4, 2021
1.9M views - 4 days ago
8.21M subscribers
2.4M views - 4 months ago
Today, Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we celebrate the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day with actions taking place right across the globe. With a theme once again of “Together for a better internet”, this day calls upon all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people.
Read on to find out more about practical ways in which you can get involved in the celebrations. Whether you are a young person, a parent or carer, a teacher or an educator, a policy maker, or whether you represent an organisation or industry, everyone has a role to play in creating and maintaining a better online world.
And, noting the global reach of the Safer Internet Day campaign, on this site you can also discover more about the planned actions of European Safer Internet Centres, global Safer Internet Day Committees and a range of organisational and industry supporters.
Much of today’s activity will play out on social media. Be sure to check our Facebook and Twitter profiles, and join the conversation - and share your commitments for a better internet - using #SaferInternetDay and #SID2021.
Read more about the Safer Internet Day campaign
17,294,336 views • Feb 6, 2021
17M views - 2 days ago
Mark Rober
16.6M subscribers
2,553 views • Feb 6, 2021
164 subscribers
#GodzillaVsKong #Godzilla #Kong
4,562,624 views • Jan 24, 2021
4.5M views - 2 weeks ago
959K subscribers
Check 1 of 3: UAE’s probe Hope has succesfully entered a capture orbit around Mars. They will circularize the orbit to its final configuration and meanwhile will test the onboard isntruments, designed to characterize Mars’ atmosphere with detail never seen before.
Tomorrow is China’s turn, let’s hope their mission also makes a safe arrival in orbit.
Meanwhile, I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Also: ESA is seeking new astronauts!
Further details will be released on the 16th. Wouldn’t it be awesome if some EVE player was young, hard-working, smart, skilled and talented enough to become astronaut for real?
Considering that it takes 0.3 seconds or more for a human reflex to start from the brain to the finger, which you can test with the stop watch,
the blink of an eye at 0.25 seconds average is at least 18% faster than a controlled human reflex.
1 hour later at 08:51 Wed Feb 10, 2021:
106,246,132 views • Dec 8, 2020
106M views - 2 months ago
Random Hands
3.4M subscribers
2 hours later at 09:56:
Turkey ain’t banging rocks together either. Yesterday our space programme was announced(of which the foundations of it were laid in 2018).
Timezone lovelies.
I wish more people would know more about everything.
Check 2 of 3: China’s mission orbiter Tianwen-1 has entered robit aorund Mars as expected. Currently ti’s a very eccentric orbit u but they will regularize it until a minimum altitude fo 265 km, from whcih they will isnpect for alnding palces forthe secodn and third compoents of the miison, a lander and a rover. This very ambitious misison is China’s second to Mars, the first being a collaboration with Roscosmos which failed due to an issue during launch.
Last mission to arrive is NASA’S Perseverance, due on the 18th. Best wishes and let’s hope we can score 3 of 3 in this current launch window! For the Science!
Meanwhile back on earth and my neck of the woods, we’re holding an election. My father will vote by mail and I will go to the polling station wearing a FP2 face mask; even without Covid 19, my usual pollinh station is at a school and queueing is usually done outside, at the school’s playground. Back for the city council elections in 2019 there was a different circuit for voters, with people entering through a single door and leaving from different exits so those going in didn’t mixed with those going out.
And now I’m off to bed… nighties lovelies!
Also: SpaceX has been elected to launch the first elements of NASA’s lunar space station Gateway
Gateway is a very exciting project, having a space station around another body of our solar system (even if it’s one reasuringly nearby) will be a historical achievement.
I am not a fan of moon base, It is like a bus stop on which you would come out of the bus, but the actual home is like 3 bus stops ahead of you and you have to wait for another bus…
A lot faster would be to get to the home in one bus.
We need space buses that can go every place in solar system, and back, not to moon and back.
That would work good for robots, so you can send mining there and bring it back to the moon for processing, until we need a place on Mars.
As for humans, it’s not very friendly there for human, although possible on the moon.
We can’t really go to Mars at this speed.
We have plenty of time to organize it (with remote) for when we can go faster.
We also don’t need to stay on the moon very long, and avoid bone problems and other risks.
It’s good that people are able to allow others to learn more.
It can make it easier for them to understand better and to be more beneficial to help others to benefit others more.
2. - 15 hours later at 16:59 Thu Feb 11, 2021:
135,198 views • Feb 10, 2021
136K views - 1 day ago
1.09M subscribers