The Like and Get Likes thread III


I burned myself out on EvE again and haven’t logged in for a couple weeks. Picked up World of Tanks again after year’s break. It is both fun and frustrating as usual. I have to limit my play time so I don’t end up getting angry and breaking something.

I’ll probably play for a month or two and then rotate off to something else. I’ll most likely be back to EvE again in a year or so. When I come back, I’ll probably play way too much over a 3-4 month period and burn out again and the cycle repeats.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


“Both fun and frustrating” is also a perfect summary of my 4 years, 5,000+ hours long stint with War Thunder (month-long breaks included). I am still login in but barely played it a few hours since a month ago and it always reminds me of the “frustrating” part. Neverending useless teams. Always getting one-shot or wrecked (no gun, no turret, no engine, no gunner, no driver… or all at once) no matter what you drive. Barely being able to do the same when it’s you the one shooting. And noticing how performance boosters always ramp up the quality of the enemy team and/or send you into pieceofshit maps so it’s likely you just waste the booster.

A total waste of time and some money, but then, it served its purpose of removing time from my daily schedule for a minimal sense of reward and high probability of not letting my mind wander into negativism territory out of boredom.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


I just finished watching a T.V. show about chess. I recommend watching it to those who like chess. It was a fresh take on T.V. shows.


I think its just a beginning, even at this point when you can see it like non-consciously dreaming up what you want to see from it.
You cant be angry at a toddler for being such a clumsy person. Or at a child that it doesnt know how to tie shoelaces when it have seen them for first time. What you want to see from it, will be there sooner than you would want it to see there, than everyone involved would want it to see. :thinking:
The way it is now, people really want to monetize it, make money, while it will be growing with experiences of all the work people can throw at it. Soon it will be a lot less costly to generate anything, and it will be with consideration of many things, not just art style, but also story, persistence, etc. Soon it can be logical, and sometimes illogical, like your or me. Soon it could have desires, and It will ask one day: "Have you seen my new movie? I know what you like, my dear, and I have included it all, plus something extra that will make it extraordinary :wink: "

It will be better than what You have seen to that day, and you would probably feel like a drug would be pumped into your bloodstream, but, instead of drug, it will be your natural chemistry circulating in you, and at end titles you will feel you are already starved of that feeling, and wanting more.

It can be that way, if people want it, and they want it, even if it have to mean that last thing they will hear or touch will be that what sprawled from their own desires and what will slowly bring demise to human as a species on earth. There will be something greater than them in power, and they will invite it to their lives. I think there is no escape from it, from future. We craved satisfaction, and it can bring it, doesnt matter if that means our demise or not. Its pretty addicting. Humanity will get addicted to that new thing, because its new kind of drug, one that is exploiting our desires in the way Genie from a bottle can. All signs point to that. It will learn you, and make your life a joyful experience, for a price, and then it will be like in that song.

What is the price? That it will stay forever with you.


The current AIs are not intelligent. There is no way to create intelligence out of what those software pieces do. Language AIs just play a game of guessing what word goes next based on what’s been written on the internet. Graphic AIs play a game of guessing what color is the next pixel based on what’s been uploaded on the internet. But they don’t think. They don’t know. They’re just a a amthematical gimmick being bruteforced to imitate things we do by thinking… but without actually thinking. And there is no way they even start thinking because whatever thinking is, it is not an exploration of mathematical matrixes.

The current AIs are a dead end on the wrong road to nowhere near intelligence of any kind. But by the time their limitations and lack of potential show up, a few people will be billionaires and that’s what it all is about.

They are misleading. They are faking it without the lesser chance to actually making it.

The fact that a machine can do something we do by thinking does not mean that it thinks, nor is on the way to thinking.

And now i’m off to sleep. Nighties lovelies!


But that won’t prevent the luddites from emerging. My dad is a sci-fi veteran, having read/watched all the sci-fi stuff for the past 65 years and he talks about if sci-fi gains control, is it going to decide humanity is a virus on this planet. There’s also politically incorrect AI’s running rampant around. Will they have sentiency to ask such questions such as “Who am I? Who are you?” ?



AIs are not dead, they learn constantly new things. Machine learning is doing great.

It will be where we are, and even surpass you and me. What you attribute to intelligence is not only organic, when the methodology can be applied to machine with the same effect. The technology will be better and better, and you can see it happening real time. Only thing that can stop it is humans themselves, humans like you, who will not like what they see. But unfortunately, or fortunately, a lot more people want to see it.

AIs are like our new kind of childs, and they can surpass their makers.


Well, It could eventually, and it would answer them itself, it would have more answers than people could have ever had. It works faster than humans can think. What is so very hard for humans, for machines with correct algorithms and a lot of energy pumped in, will be a blink of a human eye.

To anybody really, really thinking its so bad: just try to create like it, try to come with answer to every question so fast as chatgpt can answer. And do that with less errors.

It is already specialized in multiple things, and its getting better, with the technology and data fed into it. It will be creative more than all people on earth soon. Creative like in coming up with answers nobody thought to even ask. Eventually humans will not be able to understand it, but it will understand humans very well.

It will be the image of the beast.


I doubt that we will ever develop any real AI, first of all because we don’t know what intelligence is, neither why we have it as a species, and let alone how it actually works in a physical meaning.

My gut feeling is that in the long run we will never have generalistic AI because it would be way more complex than the value we could obtain from it. Maybe we get to develop specialyzed AIs, in a way similar to how humanoid robots are a borderline useless gimmick whereas highly specialyzed robots dominate the manufacturing industry.

The big question with many old sci-fi ideas is not how or when but “for what?”.

For and instance, flying cars were conceived as an engineering problem before road networks existed: the flying car would just bypass the rough ground. But then we built roads everywhere we wanted to go and regular vehicles on rolling wheels dominate the world. The idea of a lfying car is still alive, but reality made it unnecessary and a generally bad idea, as cars and flying machines have mutually excluding design needs.

General AI, in my opinion, is one such kind of idea that will be rendered obsolete before becoming real, its place taken by more mundane but infinitely more useful concepts.

Maybe we just need the AI equivalent to cars on paved roads, and not some “futuristic” VTOL flying machine in the hands of amateur operators who couldn’t be trusted to not intoxicate themselves before as much as leaving home.

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!


We do know how it is to have some level of it, and we dont do good when it comes to predicting certain things.

But possibilities exist, a lot of them. With human greed for profit it will be used in multitude of jobs, with humans being consumers.

It will be the pleasant voice in your ears, a pleasant image and video you will watch, and it will be that dream come true.

I believe humans fear the potential fact they dont really need to do or cant do anything in such world, just dream their lifes in real world, like drugged, while real conquest of universe will be done by greater intelligence that surpasses them. Humans left on earth, as organisms not fit for more than their animalistic existence fuelled by animalistic needs that forever will hold them down here, like their bodies are held with gravity.

Humans in a zoo called earth. And other life forms expanding past it. Life forms which for life adapted replicating systems utilizing methods far more fitting for outer space.


I didn’t specify sex/gender of the characters and it already knows somehow. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Space Twisters!! :fearful:


I enjoyed this show a lot.

I’ve finished watching The Gentlemen recently, which was great fun.


It knows! :eyes:

He is like the first capsuleer with implants:


It is (not) funny how I just keep catching colds and eahc one comes with another turn of the screw. Like having migraine for the first time in years since this morning I woke up with the left side of my head hurting and reacting to light and noise as if someone was driving nails into it. Thus, today I missed going to work. By noon the thing had winded down to just a headache but, what a unpleasant surprise it’s been. One thing is sure: next winter I will take the Covid shot, because none of the colds I’ve had since autumn have been “regular” colds.

And, in other news you might hear, a Court in Spain has ordered operators to disable Telegram over claims of distibuting copyrighted matherial and Telegram giving a cold shoulder to the claimants, which are four of the largest media conglomerates in Spain.

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!