The Like and Get Likes thread III

I think I’m going to bed. Probably better now while the meds still are working. And next winter i’m so much getting the shot for Covid… :woman_facepalming:t2:

Nighties lovelies!




Time to go to bed… nighties lovelies!

Also: looks like a fun challenge…


This maybe a little off topic though this dog is my mother’s his name is Pierre

Reason for sharing is that the picture came to me through text moments ago and that I am on the mend as well.

Random Photos


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: you have any plans for the 2050s…?

ESA (European Space Agency) has several tiers of missions, with L being the Large ones, msot compelx and ambitious. ESA aims to launch one per decade and has chosen the icy moon Enceladus around Saturn as the target for L4 mission, which should launch in the first half of the 2040s and then fly for about 10 years until its destination. After picking the target and timeframe, work will continue to define the mission goals and designing the mission requirements to call for vehicle and instruments proposals. Then the designs get locked, contractors are sought to build the different parts and all is tested and assembled and tested again for launch… which is why the project will take 20 years. And then the flight time to Saturn and Enceladus, probably using the trajectory to check other places, a possibility is for L4 being an orbiter+lander with the lander designed for Enceladus or maybe Titan. The interesting thign with Enceladus is that it haves a internal heat source, liquid water and the geisers on its southern pole expel organic compounds so maybe there could be funny chemistry going on under the surface of its iciy seas. Maybe as funny as self-replicating chemistry aka life…


Just in a few hours I will turn 50 according to official date & time. There is a coincidence in that this year March 31st is a Sunday, which also was in 1974. Back in the time, children were born whenever they pleased, not scheduled monday to friday. I was small, short of weight and slightly underveloped (that led to some surgery in childhood), but had enormous energy and stamina with fully functional lungs, and being more-or-less on term a incubator was ruled out. I was born in what then was a private hospital and now is quite the posh place, since my aunt worked for a multinational corporation and squeezed my birth with their plans for their own employees. Back in 1974, in Spain, that was SF grade, when just having a doctor and a midwife to assist a birth at home was an expense families planned for unless they went to try their luck at a public hospital, so being born at a private hospital by pulling some strings through a multinational corp was unusual.

So in a way, i was born like a privileged child would at the time… and that was the last time anything in my life went as privileged people does. :smile:

Nighties lovelies!


Happy Birthday, Yiole! May you always be surrounded by people who make you feel privileged. May you always have perfect health. :partying_face:

Also, today is local elections day in Türkiye. Let’s see what is going to happen.


Thank you LO! Today we celebrated by going to a restaurant I liked a lot in our first visit and has lived up to memories, it’s been a fine day altogether. And now I’m off to bed… nighties lovelies!

Also: it’s not about changing reality, but about the story…


Welcome to the finer things to life!


Real life ;
The road to recovery is long though I am trying to keep it real by staying under 200 mg of our alcohol consumption per day.

My mother does help.
Reaching out to family


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


King of the road!


One of my favorite Outer Limits episodes. :tv:

R.I.P. Barbara Rush.


Beddy time at last… nighties lovelies!


This is revolutionary work, it will allow people to grow back limbs, even head will grow back.
All degenerative diseases will be curable. All birth defects will be curable. All cancers will be curable.
Bioelectric code if cracked by AI should allow that. We will be able to switch on and off circuitry inside cells possibly using only some drugs.

Humans could go into space and they would be able to make biomachines of grand scale, even living homes, breathing, with water and calorie intake, that would produce a nutrient for human and enough heat, like an artificial wombs in which people could spend their life.


Just going to bed… nighties lovelies!


Power outage map in my area after we got hit with a EF1 tornado that produced hurricane winds


Sort of reminds me of that old gritty movie called The Dark Backward.


I disagree with with this photo. It is the limiting beliefs that shape us into a mold.