Sweet dreams
Hey! I’ve been away for a couple of days. What did I miss?
Fact of the day:
The only thing that can bring a woman to her knees are the bottom shelves at a store.
…and then the conscious supermarket product placement manager will ensure that only unimportant things which can be picked easily sit there, and preferably none meant for women since…
a) people hate picking from the bottom shelves (unless it’s something heavy)
b) women dislike bending over or crouching in public and will do it for as little as possible
c) women feel uncomfortable and will move away if anyone moves behind them while they’re either bending over or crouching. On average it takes less than two such interactions for them to move away, often without what they were looking for -a lost sale!
If it’s something important targeted at women and the only place left are the bottom shelves, then they will be placed in a quiet aisle.
Not much really.
I posted a no-no post which was promptly deleted.
I was mean to Zaera Keena.
I found a friend in the Frostpacker clan.
Then we all went out dancing.
Night, night, don’t let the bed bugs bite!
still consider myself an X-ennial…
My body is GenX, I hurt like a Boomer but my mind is GenAlpha
Edits are forum bug.
I must be a Zoomer than as stopped aging at 16 by regulating my cellular processes and feeding on filthy miners, being doomed to be perfect forever, not long atall.
Manhunter. Yesterday, got to show it to someone that had not seen it before. Good movie. Had a great cast.
Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!
Sleep tight!
Don’t let the vampires bite
What is it with you and biting/feeding on miners, do you have syphilis?
Ah yes, I read a bit about how viruses can influence behavior.
This article explains how blood viral load can be correlated to these changes.
Timezone, everyone!
Word(s)/concept(s) of the day: hustle and bustle, ikigai
Hayley photo of the day:
My post was “flagged” by the “community” and any fool could’ve seen it was harmless banter.
Since banter is no longer allowed on the forum I rather quit it than feel bad and hang around being bored.
I haven’t felt disappointment as often as since I’ve known EVE Online.
See you in the game, friends.