I’ve known for a long time how filthy we are physically! Never mind in spirit.
Speak for yourself
How many men could argue this point but wont and still agree by giving me a like!
Well I bet most of them scratch their asses in public, don’t know what deodorant is, leave their smelly socks all over the place , clip their toenails infront of you, pick their noses, spit in publc , have poor hygiene and like mining.
Everything except that!
Oh my had you been snooping?
Oh it’s XXL sorry
Let’s not forget that yellow tells us that it is a symbol of joyful happiness with loads of energy.
/ just checked the label it’s xxxl
I’m a big fatty
It also gets you noticed
I swear this is the shirt I will slip on tomorrow after it dries.
…. And no I don’t dry it by hanging it over the monitor
This is why mining Barges and Ventures are yellow!
The news often tell us what goes “wrong”. But I’d like to know what goes “right”. How many disasters are prevented through the proactive actions of working people/politicians/doctors/engineers/CCP staff etc. ?
Wow, that’s exactly what I had to do to enrol in a course on Gankotherapy. Was also promised lots of salty tears and loot after I graduated as an incentive.
Good guy, bad guy…Zaera is the one with the gun?
@Felix_Frostpacker you gets likes for deleting your posts - ROFL