could be this one, but probably as an inspiration. Lost In Space.
would first need the body, social environment and senses, because brain is structurally build to learn these things. It is a vessel that will fill in a certain shape. One consciousness for left side, one for right, and they will be all joined in one by Corpus callosum.
What we use now regarding AI is nothing else than what can be simulated in our brains, but AIs are build only as part of it. To get whole picture we would need to build many specialized neural networks and allow communication, but gathering of information is an issue, where does it come from and in what shape. If we fill it with prepared information, it will be a copy, with some random element. It would maybe not need a spark of unknown, only special sets of randoms.
Time to go to work… I mean, sleep… night night lovelies!
True, that was my point in short. But imagine a sentient being trapped in almost solitary confinement at the speed its brain could prosses. It would probably just attack its own power source just to commit suicide.
I dont think so, because it would first have to have ability to destroy something physically or informatically (its own memory even), know how to destroy something, know the opposite of solitary, and would need to feel the lack of it, frustration so big it would cause anger or make it process information to destroy something. If we build dumb brains they will stay dumb and harmless. Essentially neutal networks are not build to destroy themselves, but to restructure by being filled with information. Probably the artificial brain would stay dumb untill you can add more to it, more brain or information to shape it. But it could only process as much as the vessel allows. The rest would have to be connected to it, brain to brain connection. Wide area brain, WIde world web with its own AIs roaming around and connecting to each other with “thought” transfer protocol.
Maybe even connecting to interfaces and terminals ending somewhere in human brains or elsewhere, sensors. Whole body suits with full body interaction for games and porn industry.
Ot it would end up like in matrix, only the power would be taken from solar or nuclear, and robots caring about us.
We’ve reached another weekend.
Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!
A sentient intelligence of any sort will quickly develop math. A universal language for any intelligence. (Even I can count to 10 ) Then its own language which we would need a Rosetta stone to decipher. Can’t wait for the end of the world!
This explains why anti gankers suck at maths
One day AI will rule the world…
…and the remaining 364 days humans.
Someone’s got to keep me busy!
AI-ko already does.
Now if you could delete people, that would be something
To be honest , I dont get the point of mass deletions, it is like closing the door after the horse has bolted, but each to their own.
Words of the day: human virome, oncovirus*
Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!
*viruses who just go and prey on tumor cellules AND remove their shrouding, allowing the inmune system to detect and kill them. And yes, you WANT to watch the whole Kurzgesagt video about the exciting new field of the human virome.