That’s too many per square 100 miles…
2. - 1 hour later, at 06:37 Thu Apr 1, 2021:
Ray Dalio Explains Why 2021’s Economy Is Worse Than 2008
30,957 views • Mar 31, 2021
31K views - 21 hours ago
Cooper Academy
339K subscribers
My business doesn't use not ever needed loans. I can then lend money to good borrowers, who the police would protect.
Not to borrowers who would not have to pay it back , not because of assets, or income, but, due to crimes committed against them, which the police and the courts refused to prosecute those attacking those loans, while seeking to divert from the facts, and lie it's better to not talk about it, which is fraud, and, also, not military diversion, which they also lie they don't know about, which military diversion is the secret security which protects the money, the bank, interest, loans, business etc, which they don't respect, and, if they don't respect, the military doesn't have the obligation to obligate the victims to pay it back.
So, they lie.
Remember, the reason the US has the basis of money on their dollar is due to war and their effort in the war.
You can’t borrow money when your income is stolen and robbed and the authorities seek to make money from you from it,
and refuse to prosecute those attacking you in acts of war,
and disregard the military authority related enough to cause the Pentagon to be attacked,
and lie they are logical as they try to find reasons to divert from the attacks,
and lie they can’t help,
as they too are not only trying cause inequalities,
also encourage and protect the attackers and are accomplice to them.
Those loans are not only bad debt,
but also funding from organized crime,
which the same organized crime protects with the same diversions in acts of war.
It attempts to launder money.
3 . - At 07:29:
#RayDalio #Billionaire #YahooFinace
Ray Dalio’s introspective look at financial world order, inequality and capitalism: Full interview
1,099,471 views • Nov 7, 2020
Bubbles are not fun to me, sorry, I don't buy that.
I find this an excuse.