Well, Ukrainian aren’t putting a fight exactly, so maybe it will end soon and without much suffer…
Now i’m going to bed after struggling to post an opinion at a political forum. It grows tiresome to deal with the continuous onslaught of stupidty and cruelty, on top of the disregard of the universe towards matters that worry us humans.
Oh look! Yiole and her decent and wholesome videos again. It’s heartwarming to see such videos.
Speaking of wholesome, here is the opposite of it:
Darkwood review
A combination of Don’t Starve and Silent Hill(or Resident Evil?)
I definitively don’t like horror as a genre. Let alone for gaming, of all things… I understand it has its fans though and I let them have as much as they please of it… as long as I don’t know what it is about.
Anyway, today I’m going to sleep with sad news related to some of my hobbies; just some tiny specks in the sum of bad things the war is, but specks that hit closer when it’s something you love.
Also: back when the Covid pandemic started, I couldn’t take “Don’t fear the reaper” out of my head. Apparently this war in Ucraine sounds this way to me…
Tech and humanity is intertwined from times immemorial. We started developing tools and they have been used as force multipliers, opening new ways, but also closing old ways. And humans developed alongside their tools. Our hands, our brains, the hammer shaped us, as we shaped hammer. Hardening steel, improving our knowledge, but some use it unvisely, and for that we have to improve, to get rid of the imperfections, imperfections make sword brittle, make humanity brittle…
Better people will forge better swords, and these swords will be used to defeat chaos and evil.
Time to go to sleep. My father has been tested positive for Covid and last week he had a specially bothersome cold. Now i am having a bothersome cold too (specially it gives me headache all day) and I guess it might be Covid too. But we are vaccinated, my dad with Pfizer and I with Moderna. If my symptoms don’t turn to worse, I’ll guess I’ve been lucky to experience a non-dangerous verson of Covid. Or, maybe turns to be just a nasty cold.
If you and your dad are lucky to catch the omicron variant, its like a cold on steroids. I had it back in the beginning of the year, body aches and low grade fever for a few days and just coughing my head off after.
Like, those days when an actor who became President by parodying the actual President finds himself facing a war and he goes full Churchill instead of running for the hills…