Bed time again… last night I had a series of weird dreams of the kind that play like memories but aren’t, and yet leave you doubting on what are real memories and don’t. But I am certain that we’ve never had a old cat with gray fur, the only two cats we lost to old age where one brown and the other white, thus if I “can’t remember the name of that old gray cat we had” it’s because we never had an old gray cat, dreams be damned.
I know exactly how you feel. I don’t usually remember my dreams but I have been lately and I do not like it. It’s disturbing.
I want to go back to dreamless nights
Yeah, I take issue with remembering my dreams because they’re freakish and I only dream when I am having a night with little actual rest which means that dreams and not having enough rest go hand in hand. So i’d rather not dream (or not remember my dreams at all) as that’s what most nights look like. Also doesn’t helps that my dreams have taken a nosedive to the worse since I had to move back with my parents and there is little I can do about it because the reasons are money and greed. Right now my whole salary is 98% (and shrinking) of the average rent in my city. Some people are making lots of money but as a single person with a low income job I’m stuck with mom and dad until they die and I inherit the flat. But I’d rather have parents than a home, and having both a home of my own and living parents was an option until a few years ago.
So it’s quite obvious why my dreams are going south but there’s little I can do about it, other than endure the situation and keep my sanity.
@Yiole_Gionglao Dreams are funny things and I don’t understand at all. I’m fine when I wake and don’t remember them but when I do, they’re freakishly weird. I remember dreams now more and more and I don’t like it. That may also be because we recently moved though.
I am sorry about your situation and, although it doesn’t help, you should know that you are not in the minority to have rental issues. There is a huge problem with renting availability and prices these days, all over Western Europe and England has it the worst for the longest time. I’m so glad I don’t live in England. I’m lucky enough to be able to live with my dad and brother at my dad’s request. He is sick so I take care of him and my brother takes care of the property with hired hands. I wouldn’t want to move out anyways, I have a whole section of the house all to myself.
well born to U.S. Parents on “american soil” RAF Lakenheath AFB
Didn’t stay over there very long. 3months or less… Once both parents got out of the AF, we came back here.
I spent my birthday back in september, traveling around the more obscure parts i haven’t been too… breathtaking like greenbank telescope and the national forest nearby