My pc mobo made it over 12 yrs! 1st one I didn’t burn out in 2. All the new parts for Frankenstein #8 have started to arrive. I had to buy a new case simply because had I use tinsnips to fit the last vid card.
Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!
Also: my grandpa didn’t got the family to accept calling me “bunny”, but for some reason it floated better to call me “Mistinguett” until he had a stroke and lost speech (completely unrelated events). I don’t have a memory of him calling me Mistinguett, I was too young when he had the accident. Admittedly, I was blonde with curly hair until aged 3, and there are a few pictures from my 2nd Christmas to prove it.
Photograph: French actress and singer Jeanne Florentine Bourgeois “Mistinguett”, photographed in London on may 16th 1928. She was a star of the Moulin Rouge and was the first to sing the standard “Mon homme” (“My man”).
Taxi service is slow today
…and now, time to go to sleep! A new and exciting invention so those neverending nights go away like a breeze! Night night lovelies!
Also: when it wasn’t snowing, your grand-grandma sometimes had to wear a face mask and goggles to go to school…
Photograph: children from Lakin, Kansas, ready for school during the Dust Bowl, 1935.
An important reason to wear masks was to prevent pneumonia from breathing in too much dirt.
I am genuinely surprised to see this thread is STILL going. I remember posting on the very first version way back when. I don’t think I’ve actually played EVE in almost a decade, but it’s fun to just pop in from time to time and see how you’re all doing.
You can check out any time, but you can never leeeeeaveeee.
Welcome back, Mr. Isaacson. I personally am burning through my backup PCs like a Paladin in Bastion burns through Conflag Ls. My main PC died, the repair guy was not around(kinda). Then after a few days I went to the place where my backup PC was. That died as well, right after posting in LAGL and logging into EVE for a few mins.
Haha, Frankenstein… Cool name! What was the make/model of your mobo? My case is like that too. The HDMI port was blocked by the portruding case metal. My previous repair guy used a similar tool to modify the back of the case so it could fit.
Time to go to sleep, mostly. Night night lovelies!
Also: sometimes your grandma’s grandma just needed a big, big cup of coffee…
Photograph: the Ben-Hur coffee pot restaurant at Wilshire Bvd and Stanley, Los Angeles, 1928
My character has been lying down in his Captain’s Quarters bed and thinking many things:
“What if?”
“What’s next?”
“How close?”
“How far?”…
and such questions.
Let me share something:
An excerpt about metaphysics from a history-archeology book:
Language is more than a mere vehicle of tradition. It
affects what is transmitted. The socially accepted meaning
of a word (or other symbol) is almost necessarily somewhat
abstract. The word ‘banana’ stands for a class of objects
having in common certain visible, tangible, odorous and
above all edible qualities. In using it we make abstraction
of, that is, we ignore as irrelevant, details - the number of
spots on its skin, its position on a tree or in a trap and so on
- that are qualities of any real individual banana. Every
word, however gross and material its meaning, possesses
something of this abstract character. By its very nature
language involves classification. On the practical side, by
example you learn to imitate accurately and in detail a
particular set of manipulative movements. By precept you
can be taught the sort of movements to perform, but you
are still left a little room for variation. In engineering the
contrast between apprenticeship and a university education
really goes back to this. Language makes tradition rational.
Reasoning has been defined as ‘the ability to solve pro-
blems without going through a physical process of trial and
error’. Instead of trying to do a thing with your hands and
perhaps burning your fingers, you do it in your head using
ideas - images or symbols of the actions ’ which would be
involved. Other animals than men certainly behave as if
they reasoned in this sense. Faced with a banana midway
up a tube, open at both ends but too long to reach up, a
chimpanzee discovered how to push the banana with a
stick from one end and then grab it from the other, without
going through a number of futile movements, by sitting and
‘reasoning’. The ape must have imagined the banana in
various non-existent positions before it hit upon the trick.
But it did not have to go very far from the concrete situation
with which it was actually confronted. What is distinctive of
human reasoning is that it can go immensely farther from
the actual present situation than any other animal’s reason-
ing ever seems to get it. In this distinctive advance language
has surely been a very great help.
Reasoning and all that we call thinking, including the
chimpanzee’s,. must involve mental operations with what
psychologists call images. A visual image, a mental picture of,
say, a banana, is always liable to be a picture of a particular
banana in a particular setting. A word on the contrary is, as
explained, more general and abstract, having eliminated
just those accidental features that give individuality to any
real banana. Mental images of words (pictures of the sound
or of the muscular movements entailed in uttering it) form
very convenient counters for thinking with. Thinking with
their aid necessarily possesses just that quality of abstract-
ness and generality that animal thinking seems to lack. Men
can think, as well as talk, about the class of objects called
‘bananas’: the chimpanzee never gets further than 'that
banana in that tube’. In this way the social instrument
termed language has contributed to what is grandilo-
quently described as ‘man’s emancipation from bondage to
the concrete’.
To reason is to operate with symbols ‘in the head’ and not
with things or actions in the external world. Conventional
words are symbols, though by no means the only kind. You
can put such symbols together and combine them in all
sorts of ways in your head without moving a muscle. The
term ‘idea’ is gencially used for what words and other
symbols denote, mean, or refer to. In a sense ‘banana’ does
not refer to anything you can see, touch, smell, or even eat,
but only to an idea - the ‘ideal banana’. Still this idea is
happily represented by plenty of substantial edible bananas,
even if none of them quite comes up to the standard of the
ideal banana. But in society men make names for and talk
about ideas which cannot in fact be seen, smelt, handled or
tasted like bananas - ideas such as two-headed eagle, mana,
electricity, cause. All these are social products, like the words
that express them. Societies behave as if they stood for real
things. In fact men seem to be impelled to far more strenu-
ous and sustained action by the idea of two-headed eagle,
immortality or freedom than by the most succulent
- Gordon V. Childe, “What Happened In History” publication: 1923
Lesson: Evolve into a human, don’t stay a chimpanzee and don’t forget to daydream more often.
Exactly - Frostpacker worthy wordsalad
According to the municipality in my city, I am not affluent enough to afford a public affordable rent, and I live too alone to qualify for a social rent (nevermind the paperwork to actually get one).
As far as I am concerned, they can go f… themselves with a cactus.
No matter how I can understand their rationale, it means that I stand zero chance to have my own place until both my parents die. And on days like today it really makes me wonder why the f… do I even bother to get off my bed, overworked, stressed and underslept, and verging on depression for no good reason other than not worrying the family by idling all day in my bedroom. Which totally sucked, but also was far easier than what I do now and achieved the exact same amount of nothing of worth…
(I apologise if i kill your mood, but it’s been a sucky three weeks and and even suckier last night)
Also, some echoes from the unusual past…
Photograph: waiting for the events at the first Potato Barrel Rolling Day in Presque Isle, Maine, 1940. That’s one bored girl…
People are people, everywhere, anytime.
Photogragh: watching the parade, Amarillo, TX, 1970. Only the younger ones noticed the camera but obviously couldn’t figure it out.
Yes, yes…turn to the dark side
You catch us at 5 pm on a Saturday Afternoon to try and answer a question that goes against our core beliefs?
@Gloria_Exercitus you are not our Princess!
That like means more to frosty than you could ever imagine!
As many know about our alcohol addiction and we are not cupboard alcoholics here, I was watching a recent article on our local news outlet which states some new Alcohol Guidelines.
Not looking for likes though am rather curious if does alcohol really link to cancer?
Im not going to frighten anyone on the number but just wish to mention for you to not drink alcohol or at least drink less per week than me at the average f 28 units per day
/which is currently overv300 bucks a week
It depends on how many Frostpackers you are.
If there are at least 20 of you, it is not a problem
She is too young to be drinking don’t you think, also nailpolish wrong, the shade doesn’t complement her skin tone