Your day was awesome because YOU were awesome,perhaps?
@Yiole_Gionglao We’re reaching moe levels previously thought impossible.
Also, here’s mine.
Looks like a young anime Miiral.
Mmmm candy.
Some of them that generate are scary though…
Yeah, the AI still is learning and some combinations of elements fall in the unfortunate side.
If I am being honest, I am sitting here pressing generate and giggling at the bad results lol.
No 6am - 8pm today. Srgt.SuperStoner burned rubber to get outta there. Now i gotta find somethin to do for three hours.
Long day after a short sleep, now another short sleep before a long day… I really could use more sleep.
Nighties lovelies!
I think there were glasses at some point in one of the images, maybe from where the eyes came.
One of my first tries I thought i earned the 2nd decade bt i was wrong, i’ve earned the 3rd decade… (Also my photoshops skill was only on lvl1, now its around lvl3 max 4 )
Timezone everyone. o/
My skills are… I dont know where. I think its about how far someone wants to get. And what someone wants to express.
For example here someone drawed batman like a famous painter.
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
Oh, just why am I reading the afk cloaky thread. The entitled carebear views there are so moronic it’s not even funny anymore.
Nullbears just want to be left alone to get their 270M ticks…
Nullbear when AFK cloaker is in the system.
This is how they were hacking TV signal in Poland in 1985.
There are different methods today, involving internet of course.
Wubba lubba dub dub!
“If meth is the poor man’s cocaine, then determination is the poor man’s nzt-48.”