/waves back to the crowd and cats gathered /
Impressive blob, but I would feel better about it with the Marshal model in there, the new one I mean
Moved by the regal presence of Queen Nana, musicians from abroad assemble together and play a march in her honor!
(Well, technically it’s just two musicians, but they’re from abroad… and this is EVE, it’s a small game after all)
Thank you, thank you!
Let the love fill the hearts and let everyone be happy at last. Candies for everyone!
/throws handfulls of candies from balcony. \
Are you guys really getting all ceremonious about this now?
I guess. Candies! Weeeee! \
Ok, that will be enough, I dont want you to get diabetes.
for a moment I thought I was about to loose my Drake Navy Issue to the sleeper sites cause a few battleships warped in
ITs ok tho, once the small ones were gone, the tank stabilized back up to 50% shields
Just Admired left and thats one category down! The daily visits will come over time, I highly doubt the “I did a thing” will happen
Specially when things are random, like the “New User of the Month” -Glares at @Zimmy_Zeta -
You know what’s sad? As long as I was actively playing this game (or any game for this matter) the loot fairy had always hated me and I had never had any special or exceedingly valuable drop.
Now, by sheer random I have this “collector’s item”- and it can’t even be sold or traded.
Or can it?
Can forum achievements be traded?
Home from work time to make some sleepers twerk.
The best-laid plans of mice and men…
Ishtanchuk wanted to send a special invite to celebrate Queen Nana’s new status, but right then the stupid RNG controlling GTAO weather had to pick rain for 25 bloody minutes (12 hours in game) as my beddy time approached. When it eventully stopped raining, there was no sunlight but Ish still was at that stupid spot with the stupid bikini and the stupid helicopter… so here’s the result:
Hello, Queen Nana. Congratulations on your rise to throne! Would you mind meeting an aristhocrat at Two Hoots Fall, anytime when your schedule allows?
And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Maybe later as I now feel very sleepy, after picking moonshrooms in that forest.
(Tim White Art)
@Yiole_Gionglao Up until a few weeks ago I thought your name was Yiole Grande
You do seem like a Grand person though
Huh… thank you?
Timezone o/
Illustrated history of EVE. Good stuff.
Mmmm pickled herrings for breakfast. I remember how they used to sell them from a barrel in a shop, directly from brine.