So I can run Bash in windows, and for the most part it is sandboxed, unless I mount the C drive, so I am going to test some… abusive tests to see what it can do. More precisely, I am going to see if I can run the Windows Eve client and Linux version in tandem (with an X-server, of course). I’m not sure how to report it to CCP if it does work, but I’ll find some section.
Current tests/Past tests
VMWare can run the Eve client, and as such can run 3D games with high demands, it runs faster on an external disk but the VM will be rendered inoperable after a small number of uses (around 2 or 3)
Virtualbox: Can’t run Eve but can handle hearthstone, though with some textures missing on Linux machines, it does not have the capability to virtualize intense 3D apps
Qemu: failed on windows, functional on Linux
Bash on Windows: theoretical threat if wine can be installed, the bash shell may also be able to directly alter a running Windows system. Even if it works it’ll be a virus hazard
the only time I “play” Eve lately is when I’m doing these tests and experiments. Sorry CCP for using your game like a lab rat
Another day, yet more independence silliness. On sunday! Anyway I am going to bed so maybe I’ll have some sleep and maybe will come fast if I don’t distract myself thinking about the news. It’s a kind of vicious circle since waiting to fall asleep is boring and when I am bored I think and thinking is bad for falling asleep so I must wait longer to fall asleep so I grow bored so… it’s silly but after so many years one just resigns to it. Actually the only time when I am not thinking is when I am concentrated, but being concentrated is also bad for falling asleep. And I barely can keep my mind blank for more than, say, 30 seconds…
Errr, to the point. It’s beddy time. Nighties lovelies!
Heh, I found why my computer had so little free disk space, the outlook’s .pst file was not shrinking while I removed messages, It have to be “compacted”, and its something that is so hidden behind all those options, no wonder I never used it. From 48 GB to 22 GB already and shrinking.
moon goo. it’s a re-shuffling of which moons have mineable resources in. this shuffle also comes with the new moon mining thingy where engineering citadels fire their laz0rz at a moon and pull an asteroid belt out of it.
I once had to deal with the problem of bloated disk useage. found out nvidia shadowplay was keeping files in the Temp folder instead of deleting them. there were dozens of them, each as fat as 4 GiB, which I had to delete manually. when I was done, there was enough space for 2 brans new games like Titanfall. holy ■■■■.
More and more I read BLAME!, more interesting it becomes.
I can definitely recommend that. It have the darkest cyber-post-singularity, nearly apocalyptic for humans atmosphere I have encountered for a long time. Hard science fiction motives, but not boring or overblown, its just like in that changing world people are like dying out, struggling to adapt, every day hader than the previous one. I like.