The like and get likes thread

Monopolies are never good. Nothing like a good old competition. :ok_hand:


But, thereā€™s no other seller of computer components? Or canā€™t you buy them abroad?


Yes, looks like you better to buy wholesale and sell them for less and run them out of business.

Weā€™ve had them for around 3 or 4 seasons, theyā€™re not for sale. These are not the spouses you are looking for, he can go about his business, move along.

One of the Rebel later suggests to charge him an arm for it.!

ā€œLook kid, Iā€™ve done my part of the bargain.
When I get to an asteroid, you, the old man,
and the droids get dropped off.ā€
ā€œBut we canā€™t turn back,
fear is their greatest defense; I doubt if
the actual security there is any greater than
it was on Aquilae (Panda Babaā€™s origin Planet) or Sullust, and what there
is is more likely directed towards a large-scale


The point is there is no competition. People buy from VATAN because their ads are on every TV channel shown every 5 minutes. There is yet a champion to arise and disrupt the market to create competition. No other dealer sells the Ti. Not even Media Markt.


Okay, installed the SSD, but realized that ACER laptops suck ballsā€¦

Acer: Designed to Not be user upgradable, repairable, or moddable. In adding this SSD, I had to break part of the chassy (chassis) to get at the Sata portā€¦

Dell: Power plug eventually stops recognizing charger and throttles CPU to 600 MGHz

HP: Blocks any attempt at changing PCIE mini cards (no jury-rigging an eGPU)

Are there any good laptop makers left? Metal frame, upgradeable in some way other than RAM, can charge, and do other basic things? Iā€™m saving up for a Ryzen mobile now, R3U of courseā€¦ but whoā€™s left to buy from that would go in on that?


Is importing the items not allowed? Like, from other sources? Newegg and all that, but maybe an out of country friend could get some cards cheaper and ship them over, it would depend on the laws thereā€¦ :thinking:


Wow, that sucks ballsā€¦ guess that computer parts arenā€™t a large market and smaller business canā€™t achieve enough mass in a city shop as to expand before VATAN competes and crushes them? But, should be doable onlineā€¦ does Amazon sell computer parts in Turkey? Do they try to compete with VATAN or just charge outrageous fares?


You didnā€™t mention Lenovo (former IBM laptops), but, ā€œupgradeable laptopā€ itā€™s an oxymoron and has always been. Laptops are the definition of ā€œsold as isā€. :woman_shrugging:


Iā€™ve never owned a Lenovo, so I couldnā€™t say much about it. I miss the old laptopsā€¦ I have a D610 in my room right now, it lets you swap the CPU, with the jury-rigging, you can swap the GPU too, upgradable laptopsā€¦ too bad that was 13 years agoā€¦

Guess I better do a lot of research before buying next time.


GPU on a laptop is better dealt with external adapters which have their own power supply to adjust them to the laptopā€™s systems.
Laptop have their own on board video card systems which are better designed than desktops.

Those adapters sell for around $80 in North America.

Most of laptops designs for upgrade systems are :

  1. The on board RAM
  2. The on board hard disk drive.

As for the hardware system hard disk upgrade 78 Alpha78_Alpha1 mentioned above:
Youā€™d be finding it easier to do with external hard disk systems for this kind of an upgrade.
It seems that you are trying to change part of the architecture for the type of hard disk the laptop motherboard was designed for.

Desktops are designed for that.
Notebooks are not designed for this kind of upgrades.
Mainframes and servers will also handle those upgrades and more.


@78_Alpha1 @Yiole_Gionglao

There is the option to buy from Amazon and it will be much cheaper than buying from VATAN. But what will happen when it arrives and the card happens to be defective? There is no warranty buying from Amazon AFAIK.



Maybe it is a Hitchhikerā€™s Guide To The Galaxy reference. Who knows?


If by the disk you meant the D610, I havenā€™t changed that, but you just reminded me that I can test on it before my main system

For the disk upgrade on my main acer laptop, it was switching out the DVD drive for a caddy, I used up all the external slotsā€¦

Maybe system76 makes some good ones :thinking: or, I could ask my physics teacher or my new boss

@The_Dunning_Kruger (or Linus) Congrats on the victory, I assume you were talking to me, I have yet to meet any alpha 7.



You have to click the box at checkout, it appears after a few seconds so if you rush, it will appear s though no warranty is offered (proof done with the MSI version)

Screenshot (16)


Amazon has warranty, yes
They have what is a called a policy for the honesty of the seller.


Yes, this will not work in enemy country.

Better buy elsewhere unless youā€™re a spy and itā€™s part of a mission.

Iā€™m checking Alibaba shipping rates.
They have 2 shippers to EU, but that may or may not be covered to the intended country of delivery.
It seems to be one of the main partner


Thereā€™s also the Amazon A to Z guarantee


Right, guarantee, not warranty, the warranty is from the manufacturer.

That could be 50% less, good for resale in the intended market if you want to make profit.
50% to over 80% less. Potential 400% profit in sight.
but thatā€™s just business, so what do (could) I know, right?


Oh myā€¦ being #1 of likes is a dangerous job here, the last 2 #1s got banned!

Better Iā€™ll take some precautionsā€¦

Edit: they will not get me!


How do you check total likes? :woman_shrugging: