No, the problem with flat earth is when they don’t want their children to be taught round earth tools, which work better than flat earth tools, just because they don’t believe them to work better.
They believe whatever they want, nobody cares. If I believe in saint spaghetti who made the earth tomato shaped, then what ? Why is is more stupid than to believe the knowledge of other people I can’t understand ? The issue is that sicence is a toolbox, and using the spaghetti model is typically not adapted to going into space, if that is what I want to do. But if I want to brag about my faith, then what ?
Here you missed my point. Just because people tell you that north korea officials eat children at lunch does not mean that this is truth. There is a LOT of political lies in medias.
Just because people tell you that korean(or syrian, russian) government only holds because of the violence of the government does not mean it is truth (actually, it’s a hint that things are hidden).
Just because you are told Korean(or cuban, or afghan) laws don’t protect the people does not make it truth.
People who live in society need to accept laws that give them protection in exchange for obligations. Peoples don’t accept laws that give more obligations than protections.
Last time I played a trial (made a new Alpha Clone), CODE were the most prominent anti-rookie group. The other anti-rookie actors weren’t random, but they weren’t organized either, and didn’t have any kind of propaganda organization.
FWIW this was a while ago, and at the time this forum was aggressively anti-rookie too. These days the EVE forums are much better. I’d rate them at about average for online gaming, and hence not deserving of any criticism.
Back then CODE had a continuous presence in the Rookie Help channel. The main tangible effect of their presence was to teach new players they were actually a consumable rather than a potential asset to EVE. CODE was, and I suspect still is, very good at delivering this message.
This kind of thing doesn’t affect have a significant effect on all rookies, but is definitely affects some rookies
Of course CODE are proud of this, and supported by a large number of established players.
And these days I don’t care at all. CODE will endure or be replaced by something similar. EVE will keep consuming rookies. None of it will influence my own decision(s) about when (if at all) I play EVE.
On the contrary, I hit it perfectly. You appear to have missed mine. My point is somewhere along the way, we choose who we trust to tell us the truth. It is so for anything where we do not seek out our own personal verification, either for a lack of opportunity or skill.
Point in case, if the National Enquirer were to make that assertion (that they eat children for lunch), nobody (okay almost nobody…) would trust it. Whereas if it were asserted by a variety of internationally recognized news agencies with intact journalistic integrity, a lot more people would trust it. But at the end of the day, it’s still being taken on trust, and unless you happen to be a fly on the wall there you won’t conclusively know either way.
Who you choose to trust is entirely up to you. Their logic, their reasoning, their objectiveness, or lack thereof determine who you choose to trust when you either won’t or can’t be that fly on the wall.
CODE might be useful for players who are a few months into EVE, but they were definitely a baleful influence on rookies back then, and I don’t see any changes in their actions or their message.
They had (and, I note, still have) well developed “spin” for what they do. But of course they do. It’s 2019, well into the" Age of Truthiness". Even groups who are obviously wrong headed (e.g. evolution deniers) have nice web sites and well developed stories. As do CODE … with a similar grasp on reality.
My data comes from participating in rookie help for about a month via two different Alpha Clones.
Of course it’s not based on accurate statistics carefully and professionally collected from every rookie who stopped playing EVE in that time. OTOH I bet CODE doesn’t have that either /lol.
But I was there, and the Rookie channel is the only place in EVE where you can easily get in touch with a lot of new players. Why else would CODE be there extorting ISK from the poorest group of players in EVE?
If you have better data, please share it. I know how to collect and interpret statistics though, and I’ll check anything CCP has collected - e.g. for what proportion of the target population responded, if the questions were actually relevant to this discussion, if the questions were useful at all (a lot of “exit surveys” are completely useless) etc etc.
But Finnish citizens, and citizens of virtually every western country are concerned by US laws, because some of the organisations behind the US government, known as lobbyists, are pushing for US law to be enforced regardless of whether or not an act was committed by a US citizen or even within the jurisdiction of the US. That enforcement often takes the form of harassment and prosecution of non US citizens, many of whom haven’t broken the law in the country an act takes place in, never entered the US nor committed an act against the US government or its allies.
TL;DR Don’t make sweeping statements when it’s fairly obvious that you don’t have the slightest inkling about how stuff works.
I have been impacted by US law, I am not a US citizen, nor have I set foot in the US since I was 12 years old.
By the laws of my nation some things that the US considers to be illegal are not; didn’t stop an organisation in the US from trying to extort money from me for breaking a US law, while acting within the laws and jurisdiction of my nation.
I’m not alone in this either.
Side note:
What is especially telling is that the measures that the US forces other nations to put in place to prevent the potential breaking of US law, aren’t used in the US…
Probably because the citizens would promptly tell the people trying to implement them to feck off.