The Mysterious 'NOISE'

I’m not the only person noticing a mysterious new sound coming from my ship on undocking. It is loud and very annoying and sounds like a huge vacuum cleaner. It’s coming from the ship itself as it fades if I zoom out. Never heard it before in 3 years of Eve. It only occurs in space…and only since today’s ‘update’. It makes the game unplayable.


There’s also another one. If you dock while another window is open, like the skill menu, it makes a constant looping sound of something like a 747 taking off.

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That one’s been around for a while.

It sounds like when you minimise the window you should expect to see jet fighters taxiing on an aircraft carrier, and then the first few licks of Take My Breath Away.

Well, this is so loud I can’t even hear the lady say ‘docking request accepted’.

I’m getting this too. As soon as I undock from a station and am in space, the Stargate sound effect continuously plays forever while in space. This started with today’s update. I now have to shut all the games sound off completely. Guess I’ll try playing another day.

In game I did try the Settings>Reset Settings>Clear all cache files.
Then in the launcher>Verify all files. Then removed unused files.
And even reset computer. And nothing.

Yes, I did all that too. Even tried different Eve accounts and different ships. No difference.

Also getting the same thing. It sounds like I’m in a turbine engine test lab or standing outside next to an idling 747.

I can kill the sound temporarily by resetting the sound (shift+ctrl+alt+f12 for off, and then same sequence to turn it back on), but as soon as I jump a gate, the sound resumes.

I can permanently kill the sound by going to audio settings, advanced, and sliding the ‘atmosphere’ sound volume to 0, but I’d rather not kill all atmosphere sounds. Given how loud the sound is, that’s my only real option at the moment.


Same issue for me across all my accounts. Nothing I try fixes the issue.


Same issue for me today. Clicking the “Audio Enabled” box and re-clicking it mutes it…

Until I dock or jump through a stargate.

Fix your ******** ****, CCP



Free Hoover with every jump gate…

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Whatever type of noise it is

or some other flavor, this one is as persistent and enjoyable as nerve gas. Logging out/in, docking/undocking and audio disabled/enabled don’t work.
Yes, yes, bug report sent in (without screenshot).

If you put the Atmosphere slider all the way to zero, you will get rid of it and find peace again.


Thanks for the suggestion! Turning the Atmosphere slider off finally shuts that sound off. I’ll just have to use that for now.

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My hero. Succeeding where lazy developers fail.




Hey all!

The teams have narrowed down the issue and there will be a fix in early next week (likely Tuesday!) to resolve it. In the meantime, reducing the ‘atmospheric’ slider will eliminate the sound.

E: Resolved in the September 18th update.


Of all the irritating bugs in the game to get its own response thread with a direct reply from a dev ( in under 15 posts no less ) is an audio glitch. Audio. After basically ignoring the incessant clanging sound coming from a refinery undock, this was one the last items on the list that might get attention.

In the meantime, zero response (EBR-24764) on wild crap like every module going offline after a gate jump.

Will there ever be a comment regarding the insane amount of compute being used to render citadel interiors now? Even at downtime, a client in a ‘disconnected’ state seems to need a ridiculous amount of CPU ( at DT my laptop fans spin like I am running Prime95 ) to do what exactly ?


This might explain what happened to a pair of my ships the other day. @stefnia_Freir


on top of that annoying sound - sometimes when i jump though wh - my ship sounds like a POCO

Nice to see this issue is already about to be fixed, I just noticed the noise.

Now they just need to fix the two other audio bugs. The one I mentioned eariler in this thread, and there is also one if you zoom in on your ship after you cloak, it constantly plays the cloaking sound on a loop.

The warning sounds when my ship is about to explode sort of frightened me so ever since, I had turn sounds off.