The new design is clunky, a waste of space and lacks old features

Indeed… Horrendous… Still waiting…

Could we just get back pagination at least? I miss being able to read post as I skim through a thread. Now we have the blue scroll bar that doesn’t show post as I scroll through and the normal scroll bar that’s just useless on an infinite scroll page. It’s more like using twitter than a gaming forum.

Infinite scrolling really makes it a nightmare to read through a long thread. I’ve resubbed recently after a very long hiatus, and I’m having an extremely hard time finding information using the new forums. Honestly, using this forum is so frustrating It makes me consider not subbing again.

I said that in the beginning. But the makers of this forum (Discourse) are completely lazy and couldn’t be arsed to it - I’ve removed that hideous sidebar nonsense from view on my machine via a Stylish Script.

And I’m still waiting to hear how many people have tried to trawl through some of those threadnaughts, but I suspect CCP have probably given up looking here, so you know, I doubt anything is going to happen.


I like the new design so cool and usefull.

Bumping to remind the devs to actually respond here at some point, if they ever bother to look here anymore


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Can CSM say something to CCP about how these forums are bad? Like maybe remind them they exist and are official, and people dont want them to go the way of Dodo, I mean Valkyrie and Sparc forums?

Ah, I forgot CSM have their own forums. :woman_facepalming:

I’m fine with the new format. It’s the lack of dev interaction and updates that is my biggest gripe (sucks having to get the latest updats from Reddit because nothing is posted here).