The new EVE Online launcher Beta

Currently exiting with errors when using dxvk but running without in a new prefix does appear to start the new launcher and downloading of 31GB of assets from scratch …

Game installed again , the notepad with my UI is still there . The mails that contained it linked to my alts also.


Managed to get the new launcher to start again after exiting from initial installation, requires a slightly different syntax if launching from the commandline instead of .desktop file.

Launcher works with d3dx11, very strange graphics with the Ambient Occlusion when disabled graphics is back to normal.

Launching launcher with wine path/to/user/AppData/Local/ etc doesn’t work

Launching with wine C:/user/test/AppData/Local/eve-online/eve-online.exe works fine

Just testing with different options of DXVK

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Launcher does appear to work with winetricks:

vkd3d (D3D12)


dxvk (D3D9/D3D10/D3D11)

does not appear to work

@Elassus_Herron @Akame_Thellere


Would be interested. Depends on CCP more than on any of us. Also worth testing with lutris and proton. Will have a look in to the matter tomorrow when I’m back home.

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Some feedback on the launcher itself now…

I think that if you are not a multiboxer, it will not add that much for you , it was obviously designed with this in mind .

Positive features:

  • Shortcut to account management page, support page, eve store page, bug report;

  • If a multiboxer with a lot of accounts, like more than 4-5 of them, you have the ability to check the characters on all of your accounts, before login in with one of the account or more. There’s also information per each character such as PLEX Vault (soon TM), notifications (soon TM , if I’m correct those will be per character), corporation, offers and more to come in the future. Overall I think this is a good feature as when you have so many accounts it’s easy to forget which character belongs to which account;

  • For me it does seem to load and behave faster than the old one.

Negative features:

  • So far not a lot to add here, except that I wished the play button to be closer to the column that contains your accounts with characters . I think there’s too much distance between them. An alternative would be to just simply add the play button as we had it in the old launcher individually for each account;

  • A compact version of this launcher (for those of us that don’t have so many accounts or just don’t want to see so much information about their characters and accounts before login in) would be nice, or at least to have an option to hide/shrink unnecessary details.


I’m a Geforce Now User, so I suppose I can wait till prod.

I’ve already addressed several of these issues in the #launcher-beta channel (thank you Avalon and Stroop for your excellent feedback) but I also wanted to memorialize here.

FIRST OFF, my Installation notes: Installing to SharedCache is the way to go. I made the mistake of installing to \EVE\ at first and it created a whole load of new files and tried to install the client again. Nuking the new launcher config file per Avalon’s instructions worked a treat. I reinstalled to \EVE\SharedCache and everything worked fine.

For those of you who were “missing” your configuration files (especially you, @Arrendis; you oughta know this) in Windows they’re stored in %localappdata%\CCP\EVE\c_eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility, so that’s why they “came back” when you reinstalled the old launcher. Each settings_* folder in there corresponds with a Launcher Client Profile.

Secondly; it’s slick. I am super hyped about character-specific launch groups. I feel like that’s the standout feature of this release. I like the look but in the name of Sagan please let me resize the damn thing, it’s huge on a 1080p screen (yes I know I am the pleb for still being on triple 1080p, shoot me). Even better idea: allow sub 100% scaling in the Launcher Settings in addition to resizing the window.

Also very nice is the expansion of accounts into a character list within the launcher itself. In the old launcher I was using the Account Labels to list my characters, as with 10+ accounts and ADHD it’s sometimes kinda difficult to remember which of your 30+ characters is on which account. However I would like the ability to toggle expansion of the account to show/hide characters via click. Please also move the “Play” button into or at the very least closer to the account/character pane, and/or add a double-click to launch function. I don’t need more wrist-related RSI’s.

I initially missed the blinking cursor in the Client Profile selection window, so did not realize that was the mechanism for creating a new Client Profile. Perhaps some background text in the blank box saying “begin typing to create a new profile” or some such. And of course we currently lack the means to delete them but I have already been assured that feature is on the way.

Another user mentioned this: a “clone settings” function like EANM, CopyEveLayoutTool, etc, but integrated into the launcher itself. I’m personally ambivalent about this; at least up until something breaks EANM, upon which I will unleash the reeeeee.

Last but not least: While Avalon saved my ass by pointing me to the new .json config file, please please please add a confirmation box to the “Logout All Users” button in “Tools/Cache” and relabel it to something more along the lines of “Remove All Accounts”. I thought I had a nifty new toy to close all of my clients at once (hint: please add this feature) and instead I found myself looking at an empty launcher with the prospect of spending the next 20 minutes re-authing all my accounts.

I use multiple client profiles, I only have the option for default profile and no option to make a custom one.

If you start typing a name a create button will appear. We’ll make this a bit more clear in a future update.


Is there a reason that its not seeing the profiles I use in the old launcher?

It’s new and buggy. If you copy the names of the profiles from the old launcher and add them to the new launcher it will “see” the existing folders.

I didn’t touch any of the files.

Nope. Using the old launcher, they’re still gone.

And, for clarity: No, those settings are no longer in my eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility folders. Not the new one made for the new drive, not the one for the old spot on the old drive.

Install works smooth, no loss of files or settings.
Launcher is usable, responsive.

Its not intuative.
It needs a lauch option per account, so you can launch just one account to character selection screen. Clicking on one character and then moving over the lauch client botton just feels awkward.

Double clicking a character to launch would be nice addition. It would feel intuative.

When launching a client, it doesnt launch the client centred on the screen. I use window mode and it launches each client not maximised and off centre tot he bottom left.

Omega time remaining, please add that to the account info next to all the characters.

Nice to see progress and moving tech forward, a fresh look and feel. But it needs to be more intuative and flexible.

CSM and others were specifically against this as it adds time for login traps and quick acess to the game - that is why there is a check box and also a groups option to get the to the character selection screen to minimize load time

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You can get to character selection screen by using 2 methods

in settings - click the “Always go to character selection screen” Butan
Setup a group and don’t select a pilot

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After reinstalling the game with the new laucher, on one of my characters on the drone window (the ones that are in space) the drones show as icons although I have selected the option to be shown as a list.
I have restarted the client, cleared cache, but it did not fixed the annoying problem.

Edit: The solution for me was to go back and forth between compact and normal drone window size. After doing this, now the drones (with a compact drone window size) show indeed as listed.

God knows we mustn’t inconvenience the predators.