The One Year Anniversary of Sharks vs Bears Tournament!

Attention Soldier! We’re reaching out to you about this important message.

1 year and 2 weeks ago, the wonderful adventure of the Sharks vs Bears group began. Since then, lives have been lost, billions of Isk have been released back into the universe in the form of ship debris, hundreds of asteroids mines and moons popped, and much more. We need your service. The Sharks and Bears are calling your name!

The progress at SvB is steady. The spiritual successor of Red vs Blue is going strong, and leading the way in warfare. And in our usual fashion, we wanna celebrate big.

On July 8th, at 18:00 Eve time, SvB will be hosting, what we will be trying to make, the largest tournament in our history so far. Over our 2 tournaments so far, we’ve given away around 30 billion prizes. We want to match that as best as we possibly can in just this one tournament.

This tournament is a little different to our last ones. We did a poll in our Discord (who got to find out about this tournament a LOT earlier and were involved in the decision making, so join it to be a part of the process! Sharks vs Bears ), this one will be a 3v3 frigate tournament. We’ve already published the rules in our discord, but it will be linked here as well.

This event WILL be livestreamed on these 2 channels: Stream: Twitch Backup Stream: Twitch

The last 2 events were made unforgettable, thanks to not only the participants who kindly took time out of their days to partake in some of the most entertaining fights and comeback stories I’ve ever seen in Eve, but also to the sponsors and the viewers to made it all possible. We can’t do this without you guys, and this group was started to return something the community lost years ago. We wanna make it big. And ALL the money/items given for prizes will be given away, as usual.

Now, since you’re dying for the details, here are the rules: 1 Year SvB Tournament Rules - Google Docs

All the information regarding how the tournament will be held, time, location, and all other extra information is listed on there. Anything and everything I could possibly think of, from prizes, to specific rules, fleet comps, all there.

One last request I have, is for more people to sign up. For this to work, we need more teams to join. There are 2 weeks until sign ups close on the 1st of July. It’s also great practice, and this was suggested by a CCP member, to keep this tournament on this date to keep people warm between the many tournaments happening at this time.

We want to celebrate 1 year of this community with you, because without you, it wouldn’t exist. This is for the Eve Online community. This is for the spirit of an idea almost everyone loved. Let’s keep it alive, together, like we did a year ago, almost to the day.

So far, the prize pool stands at 12 billion, but I expect it to rise quickly. And yes, there are shoutouts for certain levels of donations, they are all listed on both the discord and the rule document.

Time is limited! If we could get a minimum of 6 more teams, we’d be in the ideal spot. I expect the prize pool to double, and if it doesn’t, I’ll put more money into it than I already have. I don’t like to disclose when I donate to these things, I don’t include my name. But I want this to be big.

Let’s make history once more. Sign up: SvB 1 Year Tournament Signup Sheet

Discord Invite: Sharks vs Bears

Stream: Twitch
Backup Stream: Twitch

Sign up: SvB 1 Year Tournament Signup Sheet

Rules: 1 Year SvB Tournament Rules - Google Docs

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