The problem CCP Created

you are arguing from the care bear perspective. Lets look at it from the other perspective.

I am a player who wants to recruit new bros but I don’t want them to deal with war decs so… I want to have structures in space so I create an ALT, make a holding corp, put my structures up then on my main I have an alliance with corps that cannot be war decked we play safely mining away in high sec in 2.5 billion isk orcas in groups of 10-20 hitting the ice belts and making bank building fuel blocks. one day joe blow 20 man corp decides to war deck my holding corp so we join in just in time to stop the structure bash then leave the war.


we are a small corp of new players who are mining in high sec one day we get war decked so we decide to stop flying orcas in large groups and instead bring military fleets to protect our mining operations from enemy compantants.

AFAIK all you need is a single control tower to get in the war dec game.

no you require an “Upwell structure”

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If they have a holding Corp for their structure, can’t you wardec the holding Corp and attack the structure?

What’s the problem here?

no, i support NPC CORPS, I think they are a valuable way for new players to forge connections safely in the game, there is no need for them to rush off to player run corporations.

Then the only difference would be the Orca pilots would be part of an npc corp that you can’t wardec instead of a player corp that you can’t wardec.

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… and they still play the game … also your orcas can be disrupted by ganking and bunpin…

fiction… it never happened and never will. new players would be farmed to death and lose interest in game cause the attackers are 5x bigger than you and you can’t do in game cause they will farm you non stop.

so yes first option to me.

and thats fine, I am ok with that at that point because they are paying higher taxes and are more able to be ganked. as they will likely be solo rather than grouped then

You don’t pay tax on mining only mission payouts and npc bounties.

Bumping isnt a thing anymore it doesn’t stop the warp like it used to.

I realize this.

Not according to this:


As soon as a corporation owns a structure, the corporation becomes eligible for wars.

The following player owned structures will count towards War Eligibility:

All Upwell Structures (including Upwell FLEX structures) 
Starbase Control Towers
Player-owned Customs Offices and their Gantries
Sovereignty Structures of any kind (such as Infrastructure Hubs and Territorial Control Units)

Alliances become War Eligible as soon as a member corporation owns any of the above structures, and as usual, all member corporations of the alliance will be involved in any war the alliance gets embroiled with.

A small control tower can be had for about 120, 000, 000 ISK


The problem is i want to attack their ships not their structures.

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this …

some but not all

I think that you want to dunk some miners, but you don’t have the guts to face Concord. So you are asking for rules changes you don’t seem to understand, as Uriel pointed out.

Just hire Aiko and there you go.

see? y just admitted y want to shoot ppl that are easy targets and look for a fight. there’s plenty pvp in this game maybe you looking in the wrong place

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im using the miners as a example, I can use the 5 billion isk gilas in Jita if you prefer

Read my other statement the 1 about 5 billion isk Gilas

i spent 6 hours last night roaming lowsec to find people running from pvp rather than facing it. People are scared to fight.