The problem CCP Created

Those gilas are way easier to gank.

Where? What were you flying?

Even cheaper Gilas get ganked in Jita all the time…

(this link specifically lists KMs involving Gilas)

I really don’t see the issue here. :thinking:


blame scarcity for that IMO. I live in nullsec and used to go roam 5x more in the past. I mostly funded my pvp with t1 indy of big ships with minerals from ratting . now building a BS is so fun.cking annoying and not profitable that I roam way less and when I do I don’t threat my ship as disposable as before.

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The ones that die daily to Tornadoes ?

Suicide ganking . Problem solved.

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The game was never intended to let 1 player with 10 alts and mommy’s credit card blow up 50mil Retrievers or 2bill Orcas all day long just to be an a-hole.

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it does. y can prevent them from mining and/or using expensive drones

well and good but war mechanics were a part of eve long before they weren’t

I have no problem with blowing up 50 mil isk retrievers in 10 mil isk catalysts… not sure about mommies credit card though i work for a living and also 10 mil isk is 1/10th of an hour of exploration income.

typo anyone could tell that

Its hard to believe the lack of likes or comments on my contention that you can join war deccing with just a small control tower.

If I am right, then this entire issue and thread are completely solved and the OP needs to take back his attacks on CCP.

If am wrong then what is the deal with the official link I provided as proof?

Well? :thinking:

Take that poopsicle to ccp, scarcity and changes made the orca and others billion+ isk ships not players, besides what does the value of a ship matter in regards to pvp?

People fly capsule get popped and cost them billions in implants.

Your rant is full of fallacies, it doesn’t cost you a dime to pvp anyone, a while back someone kept harassing my alt and I punched them in their ships face, sure I lost my ship through attempting a gank but I’ve yet to see them again.

The carebear is you, you are the type who looks at what others are doing and it’s always wrong, you care, those who you label carebears are just playing the game not worrying about you.


Why people from lowsec or null , always throw ■■■■ at HS players. Why not gank or do PVP among yourselves and stop complaining about HS.

Or maybe you don’t want PVP but easy targets to prey on.


What you don’t seem to get is you make yourself an easy target it seems. I have no problems because of long experience in the game. Try gaining some?

Maybe CCP does have a plan? To bring the game back to being a “nitch” game? :rofl:

:joy: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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@ [Uriel the Flame]

If you think I was referring to my position in the popularity contest, then you don’t know the first thing about me.

Could you either help resolve the issue of the OP or put your stupid smileys away?

I’ve already provided useful input in the thread, several posts, showing how pointless OP’s suggestion is as there is no issue to begin with.

Also just for you:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn: :smiling_imp:

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