That’s another good idea for a potential mid-sec mechanic.
I also thought of a security mechanic where each system has dual security ratings; one for CONCORD and the other for whoever owns the system. After all, it’s not like it makes much sense for the Gallente Federation’s capital system to be at the low end of high-security space, but I think it would make sense for them to just have a relatively lighter CONCORD presence and a very big security force of their own patrolling the system.
This would also make it so people who want to go be privateers in pirate space need to keep an eye out for the pirates’ enforcer squadrons, who will be hunting you if they hate your guts enough, much like faction police. Obviously, they would be much less effective than the Empires’ police forces because they don’t have the resources for it, but it would be an interesting way to shake up how people move around null.
The problem with this idea is that if Concord does not do enough damage, they are zero threat.
Logistics ships and remote repair is VERY strong, and it’s more than simple to make a couple of Exequrors, Augorors, or even Ospreys cap stable with a very high amount of Reps. This isn’t even talking about neutral log in regards to Wars, this is just straight up mechanics.
If Concord doesn’t do enough damage to guarantee that the offending ship dies (as is currently the case), then the attackers will simply bring one or two extra logistics ships and render the entire point of Concord meaningless.
If that was in response to my post, you are going to need to clarify why you perceive my totally neutral statement to be slanted toward one of your little “sides”. Fabricating meaning that isn’t there in a statement and responding to that falsehood is a classic straw man.
I’m being entirely neutral, your statement applies equally to PvP and PvE players; both groups containing entitled morons that think game mechanics should cater to them and nobody else.
It’s as if I said, “People are ■■■■■■■ dumb” and you replied with “That applies to white people too”. You are projecting your bias. You didn’t need to say anything in response to my post. But you couldn’t help but inject your bias into how you interpreted my post.
You answered it as though I was insinuating one side was a bunch of ■■■■■■■ morons and not the other. I know nuance in the EVE-O forums are not normally a thing. But I’m going to attempt to school you anyway.
Given that this is the forums, and that there are often disagreements as to who the morons are, it seemed appropriate to point out that there are morons everywhere.
I didn’t mean to insinuate anything, alas it seems that I did anyway.
The problem with EvE is the downtime between fights. Because ships cost Isk, you have to constantly generate some to pay for your losses. This I think is what drives players away. In the end, EvE is a lot more PvE than PvP. And the PvE is pretty bad.
I think this is completely unrelated to the discussion and don’t understand why you are trying to derail the topic over to NPCs.
This is still off topic. Why are you derailing the issue with NPCs?
Concord are there to punish people who break the rules of highsec. They are not NPCs that players should be able to engage, farm, and kill. They are strict mechanica of highsec.
People who constantly claim EvE to be primarily a PvP game like a mantra are either dishonest or deluded. The only way you get to PvP without any downtime is if a) you’re buying PLEX to sell on the market (and this is a very good reason NOT to play for most people) or b) you’re some rich nullsec/Jita market mofo making more Isk than you know what to do with, so hell yeah, let’s blow up a bunch of cruisers every day.
Most people are not that invested into Isk-making activities. Most people don’t enjoy EvE’s PvE. It’s outdated and boring (do you disagree??) and not everybody enjoys industry stuff like PI, mining, building stuff etc. These PvE activities take too long. I don’t doubt there are plenty of players who love doing industry and/or shooting NPCs, but it’s boring as ■■■■ and I’d rather do the laundry.
Wandering away from the topic here, although since the OP was “EVE is only another hack’n’slash game” that’s probably a good thing.
Anyways, from a design perspective, “random chaos” generally doesn’t work out very well. Meaning crapshoots where Concord protects you or maybe doesn’t, ignores you or maybe kills you, shoots you at gates or maybe not; generally these sorts of interactions are not well received by players and generate a lot of complaints.
The primary issue would be to define what you want a ‘medium security zone’ to accomplish. The above descriptions sound like the goal is “to create unpredictable amounts of risk for engaging in or trying to avoid PvP”.
Personally I prefer solutions that both encourage players to engage in PvP, and allow them to do so in a graduated manner. The current high-sec/low-sec divide is an example of “in high sec you’re on a public monitored beach with life guards. But swim past this buoy and boom, you’re suddenly in shark/piranha/electric eel infested waters, oh and you’ve picked up a nice cut on your back too”.
Maybe 1.0->0.7 sectors could stay as they are, 0.6->0.4 would be “low sec but no caps”, 0.3->0.1 would be “low sec with Dreads and Carriers but no Rorqs/Supers/Titans”, and 0.0 and under would be “anything goes”.
Could maybe make some cyno or other limitations that apply to each region as well. This would create various zones of limited engagement where you could at least have an idea that you wouldn’t be facing anything ‘bigger than size X’.
Whats worse is ships abd items increasing in price. When i first started playing a dominix was about 35M for the hull. Running lvl 4 missions as boring as they were payed for this quite easily. Items have since gone up in price alot while isk making for missions and the such have not. This is the problem, and you cant increase the income of missions and sites because this will have a compound effect on the cost of those items.
EVE is like Dark Souls, based on game design. What makes the Dark Souls such a unique game and one of the best game ever released? … NO GAME DIFFICULTY OPTIONS. By default DS is set on its hardest mode and this is why it’s such a good game. EVE also hasn’t game difficulty modes. In EVE like in DS the difficulty is defined by what are you doing and how. Both games have a progression level, character developing, looting and crafting system.
I’ll suggest you to try Dark Souls III (with Ringed City patch) firstly and Darks Souls I after that. To notice its true difficulty and the number of “wipes” just don’t use the Google tips and try to figure by yourself how to pass every obstacle there and don’t use any co-op mode.