This is somewhat true but isn’t the whole story. Also, trying to force the issue onto the lines of “PvP good, people who don’t PvP bad” as you, Destiny and a whole bunch of others try to do is foolish and out of touch with the reality of the game.
The simple fact is that players, in general, are very good at games. The players of EVE regularly build wealth, ships, conquer territory, exploit flaws in the code - all at a pace that CCP can barely even figure out what’s happening, much less keep up with.
The key issue here is that CCP and some forumites have a totally incorrect view of PvP - as something that players should be doing and they’re playing wrong if they don’t.
PvE players, miners, haulers, builders and industrialists literally built most of EVE. They’re the largest chunk of the population and the main source of income. They’re the most valuable commodity in EVE, and PvP players are frankly just there to provide a dash of spice to the boring process of maintaining the EVE economy.
The problem isn’t the price of ships - although cheap ships encourages more PvP than expensive ones, for sure. And it isn’t that “PvE players will never under any circumstances PvP”.
For the most part, people play games to experience a feeling of accomplishment, of moving forward and taking effective action, of making progress with their characters and goals.
PvE play is popular because, as grindy and usually boring as it is, it “feels” like progress. Even when the math shows they’re literally grinding for the equivalent of $2 per hour (or less), that’s ignored because it’s an emotional thing, not a rational numbers thing. Progress feels good, loss feels bad.
The missing element is that CCP has never more than half-finished their game and doesn’t even know how to. And they have some weird Icelandic nostalgia for Viking mentality, so to them PvP means “raid pillage and burn, winner take all, loser rots on the ground”. That’s the way they’ve designed the game, and that’s why the vast majority of the player base doesn’t partake in PvP.
For the average player, EVE PvP offers no incentive or gain. So they avoid it. It’s really as simple as that.
Re-work combat so that a typical player sees some advantage, gain or progress in taking part in PvP, and you’ll get more PvP.