Will prices go up or down as more casual players leave?

As we can see, the game’s popularity is winding down slowly, with more and more of the players left being hardcore players with multiple accounts. How do you predict this will affect prices?

With the Rorqual fleets still at full strength but less customers on the market, will that drive down prices of raw-material based products?

Others would point to what historically has happened in MMOs when only the hardcore players are left, which is hyper-inflation and massive spikes in item prices.

What are you expecting?


I’m expecting the price to keep going up, and the weak bad players who can’t keep up have to make the choice, 1) leave, 2) get better.

I know most won’t get better, so they’ll eventually leave. Some will thrash around on the forums, facebook, and twitter, threatening CCP about how the game is going to die if they don’t get their cheap plex. Those bad players are already going around spreading rumors about EVE dying, lol.

My hope is that it goes up high enough that all the bad players leave. Then I’ll sit back and listen to the silence of the carebears.

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I’m expecting that bitter sad sacks who got owned badly by CODE will continue to make “woe is me” threads. Just reading the EVE forum already makes one more involved than 80% of the casual players.


Excuse me, but the current meta is about Incursioneers quitting and it’s actually, for once, unrelated to anyone involved in the New Order.

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You are not excused, because you fail to notice that it is a just couple of nattering nabobs of negativism who used to spam their butthurt in the Crime & Punishment forum and have shifted to rolling up new alts to post whine threads in General Discussion. Their posting style still gives them away.

They are not looking to make a positive contribution to the EVE forum and should be rightly called out on that.


+1 for good phrase


What spike? Item prices will only go down as there’s more and more rorquals, just look at titans and supers. They’ve gone from hundredss/tens of billions for just an empty hull down to about 50b and 10b respectively. Prices will no doubt continue falling for a majority of eve’s items.
However, if you’re looking at plex prices, those will continue to rise because they’re not infinitely farmable like everything else. Gradually over time, as the isk supply increases people will sell plex at higher and higher prices.


The phrase “nattering nabobs of negativism” was originally coined by Nixon’s Vice-President Spiro Agnew when speaking of the press and others who disagreed with Nixon’s policies.

It is a cool phrase but not original to the poster.


I actually didn’t. Still my bad for trying derailing in such a failing way.


I’d love if we could start a list. A public thread, with the first posts belonging to the known good guys, so we can update it regularly. That would also be tremendously helpful for other reasons.

Why do I feel like you’re pretending I’m not literally that one annoying piece of ■■■■ who does that literally all the ■■■■■■■ time? :smiley:

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Oh yay. Another CODE circle jerk :roll_eyes: :zzz:


Pedro linked me this.

I feel like I’m not up to date anymore. :frowning:


Really? I been playing for a few years on and off. Overall numbers are up atm. Probably due to new content, but even before they seem to always be about the same for the years I have played. I’m sure nothing like the early years, as I was not present then I’m not sure how that compares.

As far as prices that will always be changing depending on the product. Has not effected my ability to earn isk with market play.

I find the OP’s lack of graphs to support his opening statement disturbing.


“As we can see, the game’s popularity is winding down slowly,”

Eve Online: dying since 2003


According to people on /r/eve and my own observations the amount of new players making threads there actually went up. I’m just not sure if that’s actually a good thing and hope it’s not just more and more farmers.


Yup, you got the origin right. Wonderful expression; it has a Shakespearean quality.


This makes me want to create a reddit account, but then I remember I hate reddit, so I wont

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Don’t like it? Change it. Invite friends make them enjoy eve online.

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I was hoping nabob would carry a little more weight as an insult. Oh well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, insult is in the ear of the listener.
Anyway, to go back to on-topic-- yes, we need some charts, graphs, and diagrams about these exits numbers. If not available, then at least a forums poll to gather intel from the experts: “Are casual players leaving? Yes No Undecided redditing/waiting to see how other people answer”

/ˈnābäb/ noun


  1. a Muslim official or governor under the Mogul empire.
  • a person of conspicuous wealth or high status.
    synonyms: very rich person, tycoon, magnate, millionaire, billionaire, multimillionaire, plutocrat;More

    a person who returned from India to Europe with a fortune.


You can tell the people who have only been playing a year, they post “The Sky Is Falling” threads every summer when numbers go down due to people with lives living them.

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