I’m few weeks in, been learning to use my ships’ modules in combat, seeing what all tweeks to each properties does… Got my first cruiser yesterday been learning what good modules to load it with. It has both turrets ( lazers for Amarr - Long Live Amarr! ) and missiles. Can’t wait to finish training on the heavy ones. Having a ball and not even Omega yet.
The Forum is almost as entertaining as the game
I don’t understand what of everything you’re arguing over in most of the threads but boy Oh boy you’re passionate and funny.
It’s nice to know that after all the years EVE can be so important in the lives of so many gamers.
I just hope the devs keep working on the Sandbox aspects of the game. The missions feel a little stale.
I’m happy with the rest so far.
being a lil PVP here myself, because Steam, Linux and EVE all had updates within an hour of each other, so trying to figure out who broke the game
Fair enough.
Okay, you are assuming nefarious intent without any actual evidence. Correlation does not imply causation. Moreover, I’m of the opinion that it takes a certain type of player to believe your assertion. For example, I used to make 375 mil an hour in emerging conduits. I was disappointment when CCP nerfed their spawn rates and loot drop rates, as that dropped my income to about 225mil / hr. But I kept trucking along because the income was good enough for a virtually risk free activity that I could watch youtube while doing. I then decided to trade a damage mod for a tank mod when the surgical strike patch hit, which further reduced my income to about 200mil an hour. But, I kept going because my aforementioned justifications still held true. Then, CCP removed EC’s from regular space. But even when faced with the complete loss of my isk making activity, I still didn’t feel compelled to buy plex. Instead, I decided to explore other options, and I now make even more than I did when I was running pre-nerf EC’s. And if CCP decides to nerf what I currently do, I’ll go from there. Maybe I’ll do something that makes me less money, maybe I’ll find something that makes me more. Don’t know. But I do know that I will adapt, and that I will continue to live within my means, whatever they might be.
So, when you come along saying that CCP is nerfing incomes to get players to buy plex, I can only assume that you believe this because you’re someone who doesn’t adapt to adversity, who doesn’t pursue new opportunities, who doesn’t live within his means, and who feels entitled to a certain level of income, regardless of any other considerations. Which brings me to my next point.
Unsustainable economic activity within MMO’s is a real problem (see the Extra Credits video), CCP explicitly stated that they needed to address unsustainable economic activity, and there is strong evidence supporting the idea that this was a problem in Eve. For example, we don’t have to take CCP’s word for it when it comes to mineral production. We experienced capital proliferation, saw the prices of T1 ships fall by half, and saw the incomes of miners slowly dropping. Thus, CCP’s stated motivation for resource scarcity not only holds water, but it’s also quite probable as well.
Of course, this does not prove you are wrong. CCP could have been lying, and you could be right. However, you are the one making the claim; thus, you need to provide the evidence. And quite frankly, you’re evidence is a terrible. In fact, it reminds me of a conspiracy theory I recently heard about.
So apparently, some people of a certain political persuasion saw train cars with vents cut into the sides, and started asserting that an opposing political party was using the train cars to haul off political prisoners. I mean, why else would train cars have vents cut into the side? Well, turns out that automotive manufacturers started putting their vehicles in closed train cars because kids kept chunking rocks at the cars. However, they would drive the vehicles into the train cars in order to load them. Thus, the vents were to keep the drivers from suffering carbon monoxide poisoning. Well, at least that’s what they say. I’m still not convinced.
Oh, and if you want to discuss this here, that’s fine. But please, don’t go spreading your baseless conspiracy theories to players who might not know any better.
You don’t. I’m rarely ever engaging in this kind of stuff.
Only recently I’ve started wondering about a few things in this regard and engaged in conversations accordingly.
Feel free to check my posting history’s past for verification.
There’s something to learn, but I’ve been neglecting this in favour of “not giving facists a platform”.
Problem was that I was simply wrong with my approach and that I couldn’t trust others in this regard.
Anyhow … for me this whole thing is sealed and done already anyway.
Has been for literally years, even during the post CrimeWatch 2.0 carebear “era”.
Fear of CCP changing the game for carebears isn’t the reason why I speak up, you know?
I don’t personally feel threatened by this. It’s just words coming from people who have no idea.
The absolute reason why “PvE playstyle” and “nonPvP” “playstyle” are even a topic …
… is that there’s plenty of people who involuntarily enable you, general you, by giving you a platform to speak on.
This should not be a thing at all, because you’re intolerant assholes who can’t accept that this game isn’t meant for you.
You’re intolerant assholes who, time and time again, have shown that you have not a single honest bone inside of you.
In the name of equality, fairness and the children you demand that the game is being changed to your liking …
… which translates into you, general you …
… being the worst pieces of ■■■■ walking around and I wish I made this up, but I ■■■■■■■ don’t.
I’ve spent the last ten years studying the mind of carebears …
… and the things I’ve learned about them don’t make me particularly happy.
It’s pretty much impossible explaining this to other people. They believe you and your kind of people are rational and thus engage you as if you were rational … but you, general you, aren’t. Proof for this is spread all over the place. People don’t understand “irrationality” and don’t know how to deal with it.
Carebears just keep on talking and talking and talking, moving goalposts, making up arguments, twisting around meaning, dismissing facts in favour of their biased interpretations, and so on … and so on … and so on. The actually good people keep responding and responding and responding … but it’s of no use. They respond in good faith, completely unaware of the lack of good faith coming from the other guy.
Ten years worth of me gathering information about the minds of carebears.
“People” is my primary point of interest throughout most of my life.
And there’s you.
You’re one of the special ones.
You’re being manipulative … or you’re trying, at least. You’re not particularly good at it, but you’re still doing it. I guess you don’t get to improve much when your audience isn’t particularly well versed in these matters. You’re well aware of how some arguments and points don’t actually hold any ground if properly challenged and you’re also aware that it doesn’t even ■■■■■■■ matter, because you can always just jump to the next reason/argument.
It’s your choice to turn into the next Balos. That clown ran around this forum for over two years, basically preaching the same ■■■■■■■■ you do but in a completely different way. His dismissive, asshole attitude riled a lot of people up and rubbed them the wrong way. In the end, though, he achieved nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
Reality didn’t actually magically collapse into his wishful thinking.
Anyhow, to come to and end …
Even if you truly believe that you’re just doing something good here …
… and that you’re a good person …
… standing up for the weak, the helpless, the defenseless …
… for fairness, equality, etc …
… and that attacking you personally somehow make me a bad person …
… then allow me to remind you of this historical fact:
Hitler, Lenin and Stalin all were strong proponents of political correctness.
No one would argue that they were doing so out of the good of their hearts.
As George Carlin said … “Political correctness is fascism disguised as good manners.”
So I suggest that …
… next time someone calls you an asshole …
… you thank him for his honesty.
perhaps I’m missing something then,
I wasn’t aware that I was ‘preaching’ anything,
it just seems that there are some folks here on the forums easily triggered if certain words are used, almost to the point I wonder if they are too high strung, or a poorly organized chatbot…
Nono. You don’t get to do that.
You will properly read and address my post.
You’ve done neither.
I have read it…
addressing it is another matter entirely, because it seems you are still locked in an argument with this Balos, and with things in your past.
You hear certain things, and you start responding as if certain things were said, when they were not…
I haven’t said the PVP playstyle is -wrong- only that it’s not the -only- playstyle.
I’ve played a lot of STO and found it has been getting ready to implode… “Do this Mission/Episode Umpteen Times this month to get a new shiny”… I was looking around, and saw the Ads for EVE and said… “This reminds me a bit of Homeworld, and some old BBS games”.
Apparently I chose a very poor time to initially play EVE, as on day 2, having just finished the Aurora Tutorial, and getting to the “Agent Missions” Tutorials, so going top down, I started with the Business agent… Mission 2 of 10 sends you to “System X, to fetch the black box from a Civilian Wreck”… turns out “System X” was one of the 4 major Trig hotzones… so not even having gotten through the new blood tutorials to show how to use the very -not- intuitive controls, jumped through the stargate as the tutorial auto suggested, and got dog piled by Trigs… instant POP… but some PVP type who was there thought it would be a good idea to POD KILL…
my inital reactions were “CCP didn’t put a whole lot of thought into their current event, if that is the first impressions to brand new players”…
I didn’t rage quit… I didn’t get all bent out of shape…
but it did make me realize how some folks who are not old school gamers could come to the opinion of “well, that sucks”…
then I came to the forums, where I ran into a lot of folks who were “WELL, YOUR STYLE IS STOOPID WRONG BAD, because it doesn’t let me have -my- kind of fun” but don’t seem to be able to grasp that -they- were not letting other folks have -their- kind of fun…
I’ve mentioned him once as symbol for all of those before him …
… who all talked about the same things …
… and all of them vanished.
PvP and PvE are not playstyles. You’re adding an element of individualism to where there is none.
Yes, there are people who refuse to PvP for one reason or another …
… and that’s perfectly fine, as long they don’t complain about how they’re “forced” to play in a certain “style”.
And there is exactly nothing wrong with that. The only ones who know if there is something wrong with that are CCP …
… who can easily tell how players react to the environment. It’s most likely the reason why they let this happen in the first place.
They don’t blindly assume new players (aka children) are, by default, helpless victims who need to be protected.
You, on the other hand, do. It’s just you, though. You just suck.
Someone podded you …
… which triggered (actually triggered) you into coming to the forums …
… as evidenced by your very first post:
It’s clearly implying that there are evil people who not just attempt involuntary anal intercourse (aka rape), but also seriously enjoy it.
Your very first post.
Hell, you’re ticking all the checkboxes.
You claim people victimize others and pull the “think of the children” card.
Or this one. Someone podded you and that’s all you could come up with. You’ve shown zero regard for the situation of the guy who podkilled you. Where you see a victim, yourself, the other guy sees a player who offered himself on a silver platter. Even you can’t deny that your inability of handling this experience made you come to the forums to post.
Are you really, really sure you’re in a position that empowers you to call other people triggered?
It sure as ■■■■ doesn’t look like it!
Self-awareness isn’t your strong side. Your very first post hints at the opposite …
… with the vast majority of your other posts further underlining it.
You’re so hell bent out of shape, your back must hurt.
Here. It’s everywhere.
Your “style” does not exist.
Btw … I’m aware you’re not touching this at all.
Not wanting to “PvP” is not a style.
It’s a choice.
It’s a valid choice, too and I’m not denying that.
We have plenty of people who don’t “PvP” at all.
The difference lies in the fact that these people don’t demand the game to be changed.
They don’t use emotionally laden “arguments” or “reasons”.
This is what comes from an irrational mind:
- “respect my individuality” … (the playstyle fallacy)
- “think of the new players” … (the think of the children fallacy)
- “you’re evil people” … (the … well, I’m sure there’s a name for that one. I can assure you that I do not sodomize people. Ever.)
- “you’re not accepting us” … (which is, in fact, exactly the opposite of what’s going on)
You’ll notice that all of these are appealing to feelings. This can be found in pretty much all carebear posts,
one way or another. Including your own. Anyone not believing me literally just needs to check your posts.
Even if you’re not aware …
… you’re still a fascist carebear.
The post should have been titled “How I feel about the game” rather than “The status of the game.”
are you even aware you are adding in things that don’t exist, and are reacting to your own internal monolog, and not to what is actually being said around you?
so I guess the entire industry are 100% wrong, and you are the only “true gamer” hmm?
so, you are saying that the first impression should be "hey, this game entirely sucks, and the development team give zero attention to brand new players, who haven’t spent 900+ hours coding the game so wouldn’t know ‘well, gee you need to press ctrl-left alt-f8 for that function, duh’ instinctively…
so, where do you get that I assume that either, what I am saying is that perhaps the best way for people to learn the software is not to throw them off a building and say ‘fly ■■■■■’… So, exactly how blessed are you that you are automatically a pro at something from minute ‘zero’?? and so humble and not full of yourself that obviously, normal folks who need either a manual or tutorial to show how commands/controls work just plain ‘suck’…
and it’s quite telling about you that you think that there are -not- such people in the world…
obviously only one of us is working with a functional copy of reality…
where did I pull the ‘think of the children’ card??? If you want to tell me how wrong I am, perhaps you should be actually basing it on what I’m saying, and not your own defective internal monologue, hmm?
my comment was on the forums in general, where there seems to be two camps… the Your Fun is Wrong Fun, and the “waaah, why won’t folks come and play the games I want to play”
crowds… they say in one breath “well, CCP, and WE don’t want you” then turn around and complain that they have no victims to have their fun with… like they can’t connect the dots…
unless you care to point out to me that such topics are -not- cropping up like weeds on the forums…
Or did you consider the option that the beginner tutorial area where folks are learning the controls of the game are not a ‘silver platter of a welcome victim’ to most sane rational people?
you seem to think you are 100% right, and the entire rest of the gaming industry are wrong… and that other folks are ‘stupid’ for pointing this out to you…
So, would you care to post a single post of mine where I have ‘demanded the game be changed’? it helps in a discussion if you are not just responding to your own interior monologue…
I just want to take a moment to point out that your killboard is trash. You’re such an angry little “pirate”. The way you act is like Tom Cruise, but like, when he remembers that he’s only like 5’4”. Now, go back to ranting at OP about “hardening up” and “getting good”.
That is all. Thanks for attending my TED Talk.
Lol. Yeah, Sol! What do you have to say to that?
I was laughing too hard at that.
I wish it was as simple as “git gud”.
It’s time for bed.
so, wjhat you are trying to say is -yes- you believe you are the only -true gamer-, and the rest of the industry is 100% wrong, because they don’t agree with you… a little full of ourselves are we?
oh, what words am I putting in your moth, I asked if you thought that is what the new player -should- be experiencing… from your answer, we can see why you most likel don’t have a job in marketing, sales, or HR…
so, again, you make a wild statement, would yopu care to support it… where did I claim that ‘this is how all new players will think and react’? some people are rational and connected to reality enough to think that a statement like “5% of our cars will explode upon turning the ignition, maybe we should look into that” is somehow a very stupid idea…
so, I bet you are one of those weasely ANTIFA types, since your definition of ‘facsist’ seems to be ‘anyone who doesn’t agree with me’ plus add in the internet anonymity factor of “I can be as much of a douche as I want, because no one can do anything about it”
so, what I actually entered this thread with has zero to do with what I’m talking about in this thread… oh that’s right, if you admit to the reason why I’m in this thread, you’d have to admit to the fact that you are a dilusional little fascist who thinks only -their- way is the -true- way to play, and is the only -real gamer-…
hmm, so there’s no folks who think “well, I want to do X for fun, it doesn’t matter what -other people want-” like oh say this Solstice person? really, are you operating in the same reality as everyone else?
really, so then the whole water safety industry and such are totally wrong too, because -you- are the only one who could possibly be right, so anyone of a different opinion -has- to be totally wrong?
yeah, because no one could quote you as saying ‘well, if you are band new, and not already a pro, it’s just because you suck’
you expect folks to agree with you, when you can’t even be intellectually honest and own up to what you said?
so, you can’t process the concept of comparisons, as in comparing how a sodomizer finds things a lot more fun than a sodomizee? And of course of one of the bullies, you think bullying is perfectly fine, and that -other- people are the problem…
oh, where did I say I don’t know what it means… I asked you to support your position, so is it that ‘you don’t know what -that- means’ or just a simple ‘I can’t’?
hmm, I’m not the one who’s saying new players are helpless children, you are, so how is that on me? Pointing out that you are so far disconnected from reality, that you can’t use the ability to try and think ‘how would other people see this situation’ because then you might face the problem of having to admit you are wrong…
so, again, you like to make points, saying how -wrong- other folks are, but fail to support your position… it should ber easy as you say that ‘almost no one’ is thinking that way…
so provide your data that new players are -not- leaving the game, that retention -isn’t- low, and CCP isn’t trying to find ways to do something about that.
despite evidence to the contrary, hmm… what evidence would that be?
hmm, let’s look at actual evidence then…
the rules of the game are X,
some folks are complaining that other folks are finding ways -within the rules- are taking safe practices, to avoid -their- need to have victims, so the game is being changed to -force- those people to ‘have to go play in the bully’s yard’… so who is it again -demanding- that the rules get changed to support -their- kind of fun?
A playstyle is a Miner or an Industrialist, or a Logi…
but some self absorbed people are of the opinion “You have to be a Pirate or a Ganker, or you are 'not playing the game right”, in fact there should be no other options, because those other roles don’t exist, they are just excuses for losers’
now again, how do you not fit into that second example?
Yeah, and plenty who are triggered if ANY words are used, and the presumption is if you opened a thread its because you are salty about something and CCP is totally right, you are wrong and especially suicide gankers are right, even if the topic was essentially unrelated. So you need to be brow beaten into submission and acceptance.
As for me, the premise of this thread sounds very probable. And while I am tolerant of making a profit, I am not tolerant of plain old abuse so capitalists can get filthy rich. I am especially intolerant of being lied to and wish everyone would just stop being so weak and not only speak the truth, but accept it. Of course as soon as I say that some abusive POS is gonna start swearing their enjoyment of abuse was for our sakes and not their own pleasure and swear its some sort of magical truth.
And a lot of the gankers aren’t really looking at the long game,
there will be less ships available for them to just throw one away for their suicide gank jollies
and there’s a win-win they are missing
when the miners face belt rats, and the rats drop loot, the miners can reprocess the scrams, and the points, and other toys the gankers need to have their fun, the miners get some of the null sec and low sec materials, without having to go there, and there are less toys for the gankers on the market.
but then again, they are like certain segments of the population, like PETA and ANTIFA, “here lets pick on defenseless soft targets, and even better do it in a group to increase our odds”
There’s a reason why PETA throws red paint on rich old ladies in furs, and not bike gangs in leathers… because they aren’t really for ‘a cause’ but instead are just 'looking for an excuse to be able to be a bully against a victim"
if PVP is all that great, then why are they not taking on other PVP set up folks, instead of picking on the unarmed soft targets?
they seem to cry a mantra of “carebears demand the game be changed”
Lets look at the actual evidence
Folks make a -choice- that hey, I want to make things, or explore, or do marketing, and are willing to do it at lower rates of return in HS, because you know it’s a game, and they are wanting to have fun… then the Gankers/PVP types get all whiney and go "It’s not FAIR!!! you have to change the rules of the game, and nerf things so they -have- to come to our playgrounds…
so then the ones who want to do other things adapt… they use what’s in the game, like cloak+MWD to go to where the game now tells them they have to go to do what they want.
the Gankers and PVP types whine and go “IT’S NOT FAIR!!!, you have to nerf that rule too so that they -have- to come and play with us”
Folks make the choice to sacrifice efficiency for a lil more tankiness, and the gankers whine "It’s not FAIR!!!, we can’t break their tank before concord shows up to make us pay the consequences of our choice… you have to nerf their tankiness…
and meanwhile, NPC’s have started roving gangs, equipped to be a threat to the gankers and PVP folks where they might actually have to use their ‘leet DPS skillz’ against an opponent who’s shooting back… and the scarcity will mean that there won’t just be a ‘cheap replacement ship I can go to, when I use my ship like ammo’
So how come its people who hate PvP complaining about it?
well it could be the combination of roving NPC mining fleets chewing up the rocks that are dropping with scarcity… it could also be that the folks who hate PVP are able to see a trend and go, ‘well, hell, that isn’t a good sign’…
the ones who are very pro combat see roving dangerous NPCs and go “nope, I’m out, I’ll go look for a soft target instead”
Replying to a question about validity with a self-made confirmation, no proof and prejorative comments.
Begone troll.
perhaps you should show that something is so, before claiming it’s happening, hmm?