The status of the game…

Deliberately ironic?

I read it.

To translate it into a coherent summary for you is a challenge though.


Nothing new basically:

  • My playstyle is valid cause that’s what a sandbox means.
  • let me make lots of isk
  • CCP tryna make us buy plex for isk.
  • Miners are the ones who make your guns.
  • Change now before it’s too late.
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I read the “PD” and it was amusing enough that I will now take a deep breath and tackle the wall.


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WTS Paragraphs.


But that’s the thing… they’re not replacing anything.
No one is stopping anyone from doing the same. (within game mechanics ofc)

I don’t know what triglavian bit you in your candy ass …
… but it’s absolutely a non-issue.

The sandbox is getting more alive and not less.
There is no denying in that, and that is all that matters.

No one is being replaced. PvP and PvE are being equalized.
This has been a goal of CCP for … hell, I don’t even remember.
I think it came up the first time eight years ago? Maybe longer?

Those who don’t like that will leave …
… and those who love it will come, or stay.

That’s what they’re doing and it’s great,
because when PvE and PvP are the same,
then there is no distinction and everything is PvP anyway. :slight_smile:

Hell … It’s the first time I actually enjoy shooting NPCs!

You’re barking up an imaginary tree, really.

you do realize that PVP needs PVE. Ill explain…

  1. PVE generates isk, In return That isk is used to buy Ships, Supplies.

  2. Ship builders after selling There ships, buy minerals to build new ships and supplies.

  3. Miners after selling there Minerals, buy ships and supplies

all 3 of those can use there profits for pvp ships.

But lets say for giggles you cut the PVE income in 1/2, that means ship builders sell half as much and miners also sell half as much. then minerals start to stockpile again and those prices start to fall.

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Yet another one … :roll_eyes:
Thanks for your useless explanation.
It adds nothing, but you don’t know that, because you think you’re in the position of someone who can explain instead of ask.

You’re not …
… so i’m turning this around.

Have you been around in the early years of this game …
… or at least in the years before 2012?

yes 2006

So you’re well aware that, back then …
… wealth generation and resource accumulation was much harder than it is today.

So everyone earned less ISK …
… and battleships were seriously expensive and an actual asset to use compared to nowadays.

You’re aware of how cheap PLEX was in terms of numbers
… and how expensive it was in terms of value.

No. The price is being defined by the cost of the minerals, not the other people’s PvE income.
The influx of materials is what defines the price of a vast majority of goods, not the buying power of those who wish to buy.

Manufacturers will rather start selling below market-build-cost than not selling.

When the PvE doesn’t pay well enough to buy manufacturing materials off of the market …
… then people will start mining the resources, instead of buying them.

That doesn’t make them free, of course, but at least they don’t cost ISK!

CCP obviously wants to go back to the earlier days. Unlikely that they wish to recreate the price-landscape from back then,
of course, but that doesn’t change that they want things to have value again, which demands a higher price.

The best way of achieving this is by cutting PvE in half,
because then more people will start building ■■■■ again,
which means more people will be mining,
which means more people will be fighting for resources, because they’re scarce.

The goal is to get people to actually work for their ■■■■ again, like it used to be in the old days.
Being proud of ones first battleship is quite something, especially when you had to mine it yourself!

(@Teckos_Pech I don’t know who else to ping.
Would you help me out with this?
Is this correct or close enough, at least?
JSYK Teckos is an actual economist. )

Now I ask the question:

Why do you think there’s a problem with this?

if PVEer , Builder, Miner earns less they will spend less.

so the market will go to hell, because isk will be short supply and people will rather mine and build there ships you say.

Eve is many things to many ppl. not everyone plays eve the same way.
PVP is a big part of eve but Eve is not PVP only game it is
PVE, mining, marketing, exploration are also a big part of EVE and if you change any of those parts of eve it effects them all.


You didn’t really answer my question …
… but I guess there’s no point in that anyway.

You obviously know better than CCP and everyone else …
… the market goes to hell, killing the game …

… so you might as well give me your stuff, right?

Its just commonsense thinking. if you got $50.00 extra on your pay check you would spend all or some of that on stuff, on the other hand if you got $50.00 pay cut you would have to spend $50.00 less per paycheck. and economically speaking if you spend more the economy benefits as a whole, if you spend less it suffers as a whole.

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Basically, the only people complaining are the people who cannot have enough money.

Yes, it’s only the carebears and farmers complaining …
… and those who got too used to their easy ways of making money.

Like that idiot who quit because he can’t make nine billion ISK per month anymore.

They’ve been screaming doom since Black Out …
… and they don’t care about reality disagreeing with them …
… because in their minds, reality has to bend to what they want.

There should be a rule against behaviour like this.

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Hilariously, the one who doesnt understand basic economic functions admitted mineral prices were up… “…but ore is down!”

What a genius

No, I wouldn’t, because I’m not an idiot, but that’s besides the point.

So can I have your stuff now, or not?
You know it’s not worth keeping it anyway, so why not give it to me?

Are you just a hypocrite who doesn’t believe his own words?
I mean, if you would, you wouldn’t need your stuff anymore anyway … right?

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You are out of your shinny mind, I never said trigl where a problem, only poor designed

Just wait the ESS hype go away then talk again

Exactly my point… a lot of pll will leave… and be y that give you less content.

PvP and pve being the same? there’s no such thing, care to elaborate?

and you are thanking a guy who blow the 4 tires of your car saying that way you are going slower and thus safer.

Should never have been possible to pay for your account with in game money, especially not in a game with so many players throwing billions and trillions around like confetti at a wedding.

Always seemed like financial suicide to me.

Just last week I saw someone talking about hating CCP and PLEXing their accounts out of spite because they don’t want to give CCP any money for a broken product. That’s not a new thing either, have heard similar comments many times over the years.

So you’ve got a huge chunk of the playerbase PLEXing 10 accounts with the money that their 10 Nyx fleet earned them before breakfast, and another chunk refusing to pay up out of spite.

Rookie Help is literally full of people asking daily how quickly they can earn 1.5 billion ISK so they can get Omega without paying for it.

All sounds mad to me.


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One who doesn’t understand that ore yields changed just commented…

At least you know who I was talking about.

But you still cant fathom why ore prices are down, but minerals are up, and even though mineral prices going up was exactly what we said would happen, you seem to be trying to say that up or down you are still right.

You got nuthin.

Not at all dear.

People mine ore thus ore prices are what matters from an income perspective.

But mineral prices matter from an expense perspective.

Have a pleasant day : )

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