The status of the game…

Because they’re worthless parasites that suck at EVE and constantly demand nerf after nerf after nerf to anything that could possibly prevent them from “winning EVE” by accumulating the largest possible wallet number. If all of them ragequit it would make EVE a much better game.

Some WILL , didn’t say all.

Yeah isk/hour didn’t got nerfed, it got nerfed to hell, that’s a diff. ppl who spend last say 1-2 hours a day to fund their PvP stuff now will need to do almost the double of that time to have the same income, and if you not a hardcore player y will just don’t do it anymore, so it’s buy isk with credit card or just play something else.


Demanding nerfs just like this one?


It really isn’t. It’s still purely a nerf to ISK/hour, anyone who actually enjoyed PvE still gets to do the exact same fun activity.

ppl who spend last say 1-2 hours a day to fund their PvP stuff now will need to do almost the double of that time to have the same income

Or they’ll have to be smarter about how they get their ISK instead of just farming the same menial content over and over and over again.

Demanding nerfs just like this one?

What does that have to do with anything?

You still don’t get it. Some ppl DONT ENJOY pve, they do it cause they use that means to fund his other activities.

or just realise grinding 2+x hours to fund the activity they like is just not worth doing anymore cause if RL stuff.[quote=“Merin_Ryskin, post:117, topic:281067”]

Demanding nerfs just like this one?

What does that have to do with anything?

Sorry about that one wrong quote


Oh, I’m well aware of this fact. But the smart ones will figure out new opportunities and continue to win, the only losers are the people who are incapable of anything but menial farming in safe space (preferably with bots).

Oh dear you don’t know what you taking about. Theese changes impact 0 at bots, just to players like allways,and they stated themselves those changes have nothing to do about botting.


You sir, are a very angry many lol… got some valid points, but the way you come off is super bitter and fanboi-ish. Just saying.


It has had a few peaks. Which is more than what it was doing.

The distance between production vs destruction is also undeniably closer than what it was.

And that’s the goal here.

I imagine some will leave, but these players are making eve worse not better. They are the ones providing disproportionate amounts of wealth to the economy and very little destruction.

Their loss might be a good thing. Maybe even a cultural reset that eve badly needs.

The truth is, nerfing pvp never brought more players and nerfing income hasn’t hurt retention either. Blackout is the only thing that had any significant impact of log in numbers. And that made things difficult for both ratters and hunters.

according to whom? ccp said that ever?


guess what theese changes will be similar just wait till the “oh! ees is nice” hype go away and watch

No i said it. Just there.

Who’s quitting that isn’t a disproportionate farmer?

You guys should make t-shirts.

Instead of saying this for the 1000th time you can save time by pointing to your chest.

woah! didnt know y had more data and more power to change the game than CCP! awesome!

just like the t-shirts you guys ill have after, when y have no content around!!!

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Because of the decline in production which long predates these changes…nice try though


The shirt should say:

“Eve: I came for exciting space combat, but I stayed for the farming.”

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So you agree, producers are leaving and not destroyers?

Say the word kid in any context and watch the reports fly in.

man im so impressed with the amount of expert in economics, socioligist, the antropologist here dude, we may get the next nobel prices from this post “im being sarcastic btw”, no lets talk seriously, while i agree with some things im completly against others, i already talked about a related topic to this "aka ess and concord bounty risk shitshow " but some moderator though my post too sharp and decided to close it cause when someone states you are doing wrong and states it with arguments it hurts so the easiest way to get rid of that problem is to close the post “its internet hey!”. I cant hide the fact this game is full of ppl so toxic that not even their moms would love them and thats saying much(childly insult i know). well one thing is right here, in my case im not recommending this game at its current state, some friends have asked me about returning and i just said what, are you crazy? you are better off with this ■■■■. one of the basic laws of the economy is if an activity you put time and effort is not giving you the returns you expect and you are in fact incurring in loses then move away and look for a different thing,. the problem here is some dougbags assume only their ways are the correct ones and any other way its wrong, hilarious because in a game that feels “proud” of holding the title of “space mmo sanbox” the mere word “sandbox” implies every style of game is equaly valid and there are no distintions or activities considered as the right way to do the things because its a freaking S A N D B O X, now some idiots argue about ppl making insane amounts of wealth, well, dont cry and do the same thats also part of the game, making money. im completly against botting, its like a ■■■■■■■ cancer which must be erased from any videogame, including eve, i hate those assholes who just put their ■■■■■■■ bots to make cash 24/7 and cut the profit from ppl who actually play the damn game “miners, ratters, explorers , mission runners et etc.”. now some mentally retarded morons say "miners are making more cash cause the ore values are skyrocketing, yeah sure champ, if ore prices increase all the products derivated from them increase asswell, there is no real revenue, just a hiden inflation of the prices fueled by a forced scarcity which at the end beneficts none. basic economics dude. oh mom look at those ratters they deserve their income source to be cut into pieces because any ratter i see its a botter. can you “elite enlightened light bringers alpha and omega males of the pvp crew” suppport those arguments with real evidence showing that every ratter in eve is a botter? no , you cant, because believe it or not there is ppl who actually play the game and rat as it is supposed to. sitting behind a computer screen moving ships , cycling targets micromananing drones and so , thats work dude and requires concentration. i agree about the fact that the more complicated the task the better it must be rewarded, but what are we getting today? shitty mining, diminishing industry, inflated prices, lower isk generation. i understtand eve is a business, but , punishing the bulk of the population just to “fix” the game environment is such and old argument that you are better ssaying “hey dumbs, we need you to use more the credit card so we are making isk harder to generate in order for you to fund all your in game activities with real money”, and that includes that selected group of pvp masterchiefs we have in eve, warmongers, warlords, pleaseeeeeeeeeee by the love of god dont punish me!!!. now some phd in economics will say “yo moron you know ccp earns more when ppl plexes via isk right”, well, just to allow your unineuronal brains to understand it i got an example for you, there is a shop that sells candies at 10 cents each, and there are 10 childs who always buy a candy each, so its 100 cents for the shop, the kids were able to do some work and every weekend they have 10 exact cents each allowing them to buy their so beloved candy. time pases and the candies are still 10 cents, but now only 9 of those 10 kids are able to make money enough to buy their candy meaning that the shop now is only selling 90 cents, losing in fact 10 cents weekly, in order to compensate for this the shop owner decides to lower the prices so the kids can again buy the same amount of candies, but even so the shop owner is losing money, a double edged blade isnt it?, but once again the money source of the kids keeps becoming harder and the cycle repeats, so you get my idea right? its a thing of time vs wealth generation and possible profits. if eve is a game where all things are built by players so other players blow them i find it funny and interesting that the most affected part of the game community are always the miners and industrials who drive the weight of the game, i said it once and i say it again, want a full pvp game? remove the mining and indy part, make subscribers able to get any kind of ship for free and the pvp will flow like water. easy solution right? meanwhile the devs keep showing that (their masterpiece) beats any world record with the largest battles seen in any videogame but they dont show the way they are treating a community of ppl that has been so loyal to its game and has endured for so long all the bullshitery that has crossed their lost minds, every person has a limit remember that and you guys are reaching that limit, react now before its too late. 07

PD: i wont reply any stupid answer to my post if it comes from assholes like for example the solace guy who just seems to be a social isolated moron who lives in his won alice and wonderland world where only his word is law and everything else is wrong.


Can you please use paragraphs?


Who read this? :point_up_2: