The topic that WON'T die, Walking in stations! (a time capsule of sorts)

I predict that the clothing and other avatar vanity items will be the next things chopped because their sales will now tank. Why buy them when there’s no place to display them? I know that I won’t be buying any further items from the NEX Store as no one besides me will likely see them.

(And yes I know that you can still see avatars in full body view but how many will bother to click through a character’s Get Info and Full Body View buttons to do so?)


Sadly, the diesel is not that dead. lobbyism at its finest still keep that thing alive and prevent development of any more modern engines. Well, they’ll reap their benefits when Teslas are rolling over german roads.

Remember…at the time CCP owned and operated White Wolf and they were developing an MMORPG based on that IP. Since that business was divested off, they no longer pursued development on that product.

This is just theory crafting here, but it is possible that the graphics engine behind CQ was part of the IP that went out the door with White Wolf. CCP may have opted to remove that engine from the core game client out of a legal obligation.

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And what happens when Eve Online reaches a point where the gameplay has improved enough for both you and me that CCP can finally focus on bringing back WiS?

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Not quite. CQ and the engine was sort of a testbed for techniques they would have used in said MMO. Since it never came to be, development was sort of put on hold indefinitely in favor of EvE’s core features.

So, face it.

It’s over.

Let it go.

“not used” …Uh-huh…

No it wasn’t used.


CCP didn’t do anything with it.

So CCP removed it because nobody used it because CCP inactivity on it.

circular reasoning applied


I understand that it’s over but only for now because it needed to be scrapped in the hopes that one day in the future CCP can develop a better version of WiS where it is optimized, intuitive, and actually contributes to the overall gameplay of Eve Online instead of just being a useless closet.

And you plan to live for … how long?

They didn’t make it from 2011 to the present day. What makes you think they’d be starting it all over again with CQ and finish it before, well, 2040?

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The 3rd party animation library they chose, Granny3D, doesn’t scale to the load that an MMO would put on it. Its walk animations have been roundly criticized as unnatural looking.

What they licensed is no longer supported by its developer. The only way forward would be to start over again. They couldn’t keep it because it was breaking whenever anybody touched up the station graphics.

Best come to terms with the fact that this feature is done and dusted. They simply don’t have the resources to pursue it. Worse its reason for being was to sell cash shop items and, well, the playerbase rejected that rather violently.

It’s not coming back.


Jesus Christ, do we live in a world where everyone is required to be a debby downer? I know you’re just being realistic over here but there is nothing wrong with having just a tinge of optimism. Sheesh

EDIT: Was talking to Benje over here.


I am a bit bitter over the loss. Absent any arranged event my typical modus operandi would be to log in and chat with some guildies until the spirit moved me to accomplish something. Since the forcible eviction from the quarters I just sigh and log out.

I think in stories. Staring at a character avatar inspires those. Staring at a spaceship just reminds me that I need to take the car in for maintenance.

I’m also very familiar with the technologies used by game developers. The first time I saw the CQ I pretty much said out loud, they’ve got to be joking, this won’t scale. After some research I found evidence of Granny3D’s telltale spoor.

I’m hugely disappointed by the loss but I recognized that what they had needed to be Old Yeller’d. Had CCP not tried to lay the blame on the playerbase I might have been a bit more charitable about the necessary decision.


I’d like to see it come back. It’s a shame that capsuleers can’t meet at a bar on a station and that I can’t run said bar.


I hope we will see WIS in EVE before Mars will be colonized by Elon’s grandchildrens. :guardparrot:


We all are disappointed about what happened with Incarna and ■■■■ like that. Still, keeping everyone down like that by trying to tell us to give up all hope is not helping anyone and it’s sure as hell not going to change anyone’s opinions.


CCPls, help us help you. Announce putting CQ back. :guardparrot:

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They announced WiS would be “coming soon”, but it was vaporware. So good luck with trusting an announcement…


Did you read dev blog? Old one was based on old and buggy code from 2011 (may be wrong) and almost not changed to this day. Lot of things changed and they need to write everything from scratch. CCP clearly said this won’t be top priority but may start working on it when will be resources available.

I did read the blog, but take “when resources are available”, add the history of CCP’s announcements, especially when it came to WiS, where my pessimistic forecast was even surpassed…

… and you see “never” at the bottom line.

I’m not pessimistic here. I’m realistic. I do write code for a living myself and I see planned features or even much-needed code improvements being delayed into oblivion just because time and resources don’t allow it. There’s always something more important to do.


WiS isn’t gameplay. It has nothing to do with spaceships. What’s the point of it exactly?

Some people would like to have Habbo Hotel or a First Person shooter bolted on to EvE. Not me, though.

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