I too wanted WIS even though I was part of the Jita/Amarr Riots. What CCP didn’t get the clue about is that the vast majority of the protests were about their greed, disregard for their customers, and talks about adding “literal” gold/cash shop ammo to the game store. When CCP crapped itself at the very real possibility of going bankrupt over their ■■■■■■■■ “greed is good”, they somehow decided that WIS was the problem, and not the pay2win and several hundred dollar fluff clothing.
If they don’t add WIS that’s fine with me, when a game “eventually” replaces eve as a better space game with such features out the gate, I’ll just play that instead. (And no, the citizen game will never really exist in a playable state, so it may be a LONG wait.) For now, eve is the best we got.
I really only wanted WIS so I could have fun with some corp/alliance mates by doing bets in a casino and doing something more entertaining than ship spinning at times.
Live in false hope if you wish, but WiS is dead.
Never gonna happen now.
Coulda been good if ccp had implemented it even partially correctly years ago, not happening now.
ccp is not going to write the huge amount of code it would take. Examine the track record involved.
Not “debbie downer” - reality.
CCP stated they will not revisit the CQ, you may as well not even brouught this subject up after the firestorm it created back then. As much as I used mine, which was LESS than 1%, I’m glad it’s gone forever. Just like the damn DOOR.
Repeating a deadhorse topic has gotten so old I never come to these forums anyway because of it anymore.
Nothing can resist a idea whose time has come. And as long as the idea is alive, its time may come. If it doesn’t, well… keeping the idea alive is cheap and easy.
And whatever happens with or without it, you earn the right to say:
Errr no this isn’t why WiS failed. In fact I think I would not be out of place to say that the majority of the EVE community wanted it to happen.
The reason it failed was that is was a bum half-baked job forced onto the community at a time when it was nowhere remotely close to release material then it was allowed to stagnate with no meaningful iteration for years before being shelved.
I think I also would not be out of line to say that almost nobody in the EVE community is interested in walking around Captain’s Quarters where no gameplay or social interaction is possible.
Fact: It was rubbish, it was never going to be fixed and it’s gone.
The CQ went out because it can’t be compiled 64bit. That alone is reason enough to remove it. They may create or acquire something comparable or better in the future that will be less consuming of dev resources(with every update), again a good reason to remove it. Sad but it’s EVE Online. HTFU
I beg to differ. There are enough examples how good and noble ideas could vanish or be suppressed. Free internet, for example. There are a good number of states on this planet which actually succeed in putting a lid on it.
And it’s still dubious whether CQ or WiS would be a good idea after all.
ccp is loosing its focus to satisfy its customers needs. ccp forgets how to tell a story.
may be the worst scenario what could happen to a role play game developer.
If you want stories about individual human beings, you’re quite wrong here in EvE. Human beings are just cogs in the great machines of corporations and empires. And not even large ones. Just numerous ones.
I don’t think ccp ever tell or have a full story. All background info are so short, shorter than a movie clips.
But on the other hand, even ship/item database doesn’t exist in official website…
Back to OP topic, I personally don’t miss the CQ or look forward to station walking, as loading CQ crashed the game 50% of the time for me. And not able to move character with mouse click was just ridiculous comparing with games even 15years ago.
And what are we going to do with walking in station? Learn cooking?
A feature need a purpose, tie with game play mechanism, or something can only be done in station like using the toilet or make instant noddle. Or benefit player in some way like easier control or a different UI that allow player to complete task in easier way. But all tasks seem to be easier done in hanger with the side bar than in CQ.
Well in the Before time CCP hinted and showed us the glorious things we would be able to do with WiS. Corperate meeting rooms, bars and the like. Many latched on to the idea of being able to stand around a holo table and plan out things.
Hi, I do not want to be a spoiled cat here but. WiS will not come a reality sins CCP already talk about this. The want to focus on eve what eve is all about and end about it.
The real reality about it, is that the failed to implemented it properly. Spend tons of money in it and failed. It was a hard blow for CCP Company and even to this day the have a scar from it.
Deliver have done project and stop working on it. Even if you go look on youtube about it you will find some old vids that already talk about this in details.
Still today people are hope this will be a reality inc me, but i need to lay down this will never happening so long CCP runs this game as it is business model then a game.
The are scared for life from this WiS project. Perhaps a non profit company want to work with them to get this done in a background project if CCP dear to do this.