The Trigs are coming!

CCP will be able to test redesigns in instanced space to core systems on TQ that they could not otherwise test which could lead to a much better game overall, maybe.

Maybe thats their dry-run for missionsystem V2.0

Highsec is hopefully not going to happen, at least not for space with significant loot in it. #CCPlease

Just re-fit before the timer runs out and fit nothing but warp stabs in the lows along with an MJD and hit it the instant you exit. Or for those who are in a decent corp, just have your corp mates sitting right at the beacon waiting for you to exit.

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ye, i thought of that too. This will be a problem. The part with your mates sitting there is not that problematic, because that also creates content, but the warp cores and the fitting-partā€¦ hm Either do they have to prevent us from using depots in the maelstrom, or give us a polarization timer which prevents warping for 5 seconds after exit.

I think it may be everywhere, even in wormholes. Space inside could be enough of a danger to not come out of it anyway.

They have. We brought it up at the summit.

Along with pretty much every other concern thatā€™s been brought up.


You could also troll gankers by entering the instance in a cheap, complete crap fit, mucking around in there for a couple hours or whatever the timer is, making them wait that entire time for nothingā€¦

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They said cruisers only can go in no?

Nice to hear that Steve. Itā€™s good to know that CSM had their input on this topic.

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Yeah I foresee a lot of T3Cā€™s being used for this


If this is going to happen in high sec, I wonder how the rules regarding certain modules not being able to be used in empire space, if they can be used in the instance, since technically you arenā€™t in empire space anymoreā€¦

Arent they already being used for most everything?


It will be interesting to get more in-depth details on this instanced dungeon. I can already think of a multitude of ways that it can be trolled and/or exploited. And of course large alliances with their own sov space will farm it ad infinitumā€¦

*puts an axe on table sprinkle it with magic dustā€¦roll of diceā€¦LAZOR battleaxe of doom meta 21


Sure, but the site has its own internal timer at which point it will evict everyone inside back to k-space

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Thatā€™s the whole point. You enter the instance, just cloak up, donā€™t take any loot, and when you exit if there are gankers there they donā€™t get jack squat except a cruiser that is worth less than what it took to gank you, and they wasted that entire time. Or if this is going to be in high sec, there will be beacons all over the place, probably 50 or more in some systems, and you canā€™t cover them all.

Plus if you still have access to local system chat while in the instance, all you have to do is wait until you see a bunch of gankers go flashy, then exit because they arenā€™t a threat for the next 15 minutesā€¦

Sure but seeing as youā€™re going to need to waste a consumable item to even get in to the deadspace pocket to begin with, that snot exactly going to deny them much and youā€™ll have wasted either the time it took to get the item or the money you spent buying it

Is there a way to have multiple people in the same deadspace pocket?

No. One player only.