Happy Friday, warclones! Today, we’re diving deeper into the manufacturing process. This is where your blueprints come to life! Once you’ve collected enough shards to create a blueprint, you’ll need to gather specific materials to craft your items. This is where your strategy comes into play. Different maps and enemies could drop different resources, so you’ll need to plan your deployments accordingly. What’s important here?

  1. Resource Management: You’ll have to collect specific materials, depending on what you want to make. Some items could be harder to get and require more effort, but the payoff could be worth it.

  2. Crafting Mechanics: Just like in EVE Online, crafting takes real time. You can set your items to be made and then go back to playing while they’re cooking in the background. It’s all about balancing your time and resources to get the most out of what you find.

We want to know what you think about this approach. Does it make crafting more engaging? Would you prefer more immediate crafting, or maybe a possibility of ‘speeding’ up the crafting time?

Manufacturing Prototypes (click to see gifs)

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