This forum is brutal

@Renly_Rohan Your posts are hard to reply to. Not a criticism, just a fact for me.

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perfect example of a post where a user goes all aggressive just because he knows he is wrong.

Oh I’ve had time to read them before creating this thread. I don’t want to single out any particular post, I think we all know which post is fine and which is… disturbing.

No need. No sweat.

It seems to be common all over the Net, not just here. If people would only look themselves in the mirror before pointing out the shortcomings of others.

Somehow I doubt that. You’ll meet of sorts of jerks on any game. Not the the Devs fault if people can’t act like adults.

Sounds like a smart guy. It gives me ideas…

Just playing a game isn’t an excuse, it’s a fact. If I gank you with the tools Devs gave me I’m playing the game as intended. You can gank me back we’d all be some ganking fools having fun.

I don’t know. Cows are there for milk and meat, chicken for eggs and white meat, hogs for bacon, fish for food… what’s to feel bad about feeding people?
Granted slaughterhouses are not a place for partying for I’m glad they exist when I eat a burger.

It’s a game, those who who can’t stand being ganked should play another game. A solo game would be more suited for them.

I don’t know his wife to say anything about her and I don’t want to get into a gender debate here. Suffice to say that men should think twice before spewing out offensive nonsense under the guise of jokes. Respect goes both ways and everyone should be due respect, not only because men want to get into our pants but because we women are not toys, we’re human beings too.

Never assume those in authority are there to bug you either. They have a job to do and because they are not robots we should give them the benefit of the doubt just as we ask for it as well.

How do you know they’re rare? Do you know all of them? Nobody has absolute power unless they’re a god. Not even a president has absolute power.

The simplest thing is to ignore them. Your inability to ignore them only encourages them.

They are not criminals. They are just people you weren’t able to ignore.


Please stay OP, these forums need more ideas and more posters like you


Stick around and you’ll see things differently before too long. I can only tell you what to look for o your journey here to be sure you won’t miss it. You get to form your own conclusion.

But I will address this:

That people quit soon and feel bad about killing hundreds and thousands of terrified animals that obviously want to live is not something you can just flip into something else. Its a fact. You seem to conveniently not know what goes on in a modern slaughterhouse and what that does to people. Uncle Jeb’s farm this ain’t.

Here you get to be hated if you want to. I think it takes a special kind of person to endure that for too long and that’s no compliment.

Having your thread not locked by now is enough for some people to accuse the moderators being biased towards you.


They can’t be much different from other people I or anybody else knows. We all sometimes have to put up with people we’d rather avoid. Coworkers are no different. I’m sorry you feel that way. I wish I could write something that made you feel better but I can’t. All I can tell you is that everything is temporary, pain, sadness, happiness, life… I’d try to concentrate on the good things of life if I were you. Just know none of us are free of troubles and people who abuse of our kindness.

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Guys you know what I think that they are a ccp dev!!!11!! If we rearrange the first letter of each of the lines of every post we get: I am ccp dev!. This means that the isd is bias to them!

Thank you. I don’t plan on going anywhere… well, maybe go to Jita or Hek…

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OMG I could definitely go for a big fat juicy burger right now. That nurse upset me and then she had the gall to tell me to calm down after I told her that the machine had stopped by itself and she accused me of messing with it. Some people I tell you :roll_eyes:

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That would make social media much better, a punch in face button.

When people do not have consequences for their behaviors and the less responsibilities they have, they tend to behave more and more badly.

So I get a little chub on, when I play a video game according to it’s rules.

Why kink shame me, you intolerant monster?

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Eve server is down. Lets do some forum pvp.:grin:

You don’t need to be in the forums to enjoy Eve, people are just trolls sometimes in here, and some are just genuinely mean. They say things on-line they would never say to someone face to face, and yes sadly most internet communities are like that.

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OMG Eve is down, I am bullied into reading the foums instead.
And what do I see? This troll thread!. Really amusing how people keep feeding it :slight_smile:

Look at all the other threads in GD at the moment. The forums are generally quite tame these days.

People jump on the active threads, cause it’s fun to interact with other people. Who cares whether it’s trolling or not.

We come to the forums to get entertained, not mentally enlightened.


Who are you again?