I completely disagree with your assessment for multiple reasons. For one, newbros aren’t forever disadvantaged (I’ll link to another post that goes into more detail), and two, this doesn’t help newbros to catch up.
- First, selling SP directly to players allows vets to circumvent injector penalties -penalties that were designed to make injectors more of a tool to help newbros catch up, rather than a tool to help vets pull ahead.
- Second, CCP has been limiting the rate at which players can buy SP. This is good from a pay to win perspective, but it means that the longer you’ve been around, the more SP you can buy.
Finally, the ad does not just appear to be in poor taste, it is in poor taste. Plex will not help new players to learn, grow, or succeed. They might feel like it’s helping, but it’s mostly just going to turn them into loot pinatas and lead to a lot of frustration for them. Let me put it this way. If a newbro lost his first ship, how many of you would advise him to respond by buying plex, and how many would think that this is absolutely terrible advice to give to a newbro?
Hell, even CCP themselves thinks that a player’s first ship loss is a special and critical moment in their career. And instead of trying to help them learn how to actually survive and thrive in a harsh, PvP-centric game with a full loot death mechanic, it tries to monetize them -and it does so in a way that not only doesn’t help the newbro, but, imho, sabotages them into thinking that things like ship cost and money spent are more important than their brains, attitude, and determination. This is a recipe for newbro anger and frustration, and I find it difficult to believe that no one at CCP recognized this. Either they are incompetent, or they knew full well what they were doing, and didn’t care.
I don’t know man, but this ad makes truly question whether CCP cares about it’s newbros and the long term health of the game, or if they’re primarily concerned with milking their customers for as much as they can, while they can.
Video is time stamped to jump to the relevant section.