This is annoying

No it’s not a joke. You can take a look at the video above.
I’m starting to accept the fact that it looks like a really stupid idea to sit there and look around.

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No man. Not deleted, but gradually put under increasing pressure until they are killed.

Can anyone please tell me what this “OP” stands for?

U’ve misunderstood. They we throwing pebbles at him…

He has no moral compass. It’s called exploiting and as a result, many people are put into bad fillings.

“legitimate PvP scenario”
This is how it’s called now. No wonder you hear a lot of “crying” from your opponents if you play by such legitimate rules.

Look dude, I don’t know what gamer culture you are carrying in your head. Eve Online comes from a long line of sandbox MMOs and a different gaming cultural perspective. But you’re bringing a lot of false impressions that won’t survive here.

He’s not exploiting the system. There is a concrete list of those. The play he is doing is by design. Otherwise the ability to lock FW targets in high sec would have simply been patched out as impossible sometime the past 20 years.

To make a serious accusation in such a casual manner is heavily heavily frowned upon here and you’re only going to elicit mockery for it.

Edit: we’re also all gamers here and to call people enjoying a game as having „no moral compass“ (IRL I assume, you’re not roleplaying) is pretty toxic. There are people that know more about the game than you or I and the goal is to survive and outwit them in the game, not complain about them on the forums.


Thank’s for your opinions guys.
I got the lesson:

  • FW extends to a ridiculous extend
  • legitimate PvP has no rules
  • OP is not adapted to the richness of the gameplay yet
  • don’t cry

Fair enough. Think of “rules” and “safety” next time you buy smth on the market. Who produces it and at what cost? This might make someone remember more rules.

I encourage you to stick around because these are not new points and have been repeatedly addressed by folks like you who come in strong with an opinion on how the game needs to be „fixed“.

The answer to your question will surprise you:

Most industrialists are also enthusiastic PvPers, because they recognize destruction fuels demand for goods. And eliminating competing industrialists is good for their bottom line. The amount of goods produced by „saintly industrialists who don’t harm a fly“ is vanishingly small (by volume, quantity, or ISK).


Hey, High sec isnt safe. Especially for Militia members.
Basically everywhere anyone in Omega clone can shoot you anyway, even if you are not militia. Only limitation is for Alpha clones as they cant turn on red safety in High sec.


I understand how you fill. Thank you for letting me know.
No need to reply anymore.

You didn’t expect your enemy faction member to engage you when given the opportunity?

Why should the NPCs be doing your job? It’s your duty to engage and destroy members of the opposing faction.

Then why are you taking part in one of the game’s main PvP features?

We can make our own stuff. No offense, but you aren’t so important, that without your presence all the PvPers would writhe around like pit snakes, begging anyone within earshot for a scrap of ammunition.


Well, there isnt anything assured in this game anymore, nothing is sure. One day you have something, another you dont.

We have seen high sec systems turning Null then Pochven, we have seen TTT exploding, who knows, maybe one day you will jump system and you will find yourself unable to do anything, warp out, jump back the gate, even shoot a round, not even mentioning mining or producing anything.

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Yes, I do think of ‘rules’ and ‘safety’ any time I buy something on the market.

I make sure my buying character and hauler is as safe as possible in an corporation that is not at war, flying the right ship with the right fit, keeping an eye out for any players who may try to circumvent the high sec laws and kill me anyway before CONCORD blows them up.

It’s all part of surviving in high security space.

It doesn’t really matter who puts the stuff on the market, producers, haulers, or people killing and looting those haulers, but the stuff will end up on market for a decent price.


This small thing on undock was rather irritating, I can imagine, but look out to future, when jump freighters will be at last dying on gates to High sec, unable to jump gate or warp out.

Unfortunately sir, you consent to PvP as soon as you undock, Faction Warfare or not.


Well you are not too bright then, are you?

You still not figured out that EVE is a PvP game?


Basically, anyone can shoot you in highsec for whatever reason…or for no reason at all. That is Eve. It does not need ‘fixing’…it is part of what makes the game great and different to most other MMOs.

People need to leave their ‘ethics’ at the door when they log in. Its dog eat dog, and that is why so many love the game.


Just because I’m attracted to your toon, doesn’t make me a boring, old man.
Oh, wait, maybe it does…

Wierdo. Nothing boring about fanycing Destiny Old man.