This is how CCP and EVE ONLINE could make MORE MONEY

Go away… eve is not for you it’s a niche market and the more they open it up to WoW players the more I Think about drinking bleach…


That’s not the only unique selling point, that’s just what we tell ourselves to stroke our epeen.

Many, many people play EVE purely because it’s a well developed, large space based sandbox. A lot of people play in spite of the cutthroat competition, not because of it.


As long as they lead into lowsec for delivery, I don’t see an issue. The bots would feed the pirates free freightor and jump freightor kills.

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Or maybe ccp could just fix things without a shitstorm for once.

I dont like getting articles titled “Is eve-online past its prime” linked on my phone.

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We need walking in stations. Walking in ships. Walking in space.


I understand where you’re coming from, sort of, but I disagree with a lot of it. Level 5 missions are “sort of” there already in the form of burner missions. Anomic Agent and more advanced Anomic Base missions. I would like to see them finished all the way up to Battleship level and perhaps get their own agents instead of the current crap that it is. And maybe a module or 2 thats available only if you actually do the burners, on top of the current LP stuff.

Though times have changed since all that and I don’t see a reason why lvl 5 missions couldn’t come back to HS.

I don’t think giving + faction to interbus is good, as that would offset all the minusses and negate the point of the factions, however I do think the penalty for doing missions in high sec is too high and stacks up too quick, especially for level 1, 2 and 3 missions. New players often end up with negative factions without even having a clue about it then have to grind it back, this in fact happened to me when I started 6 years ago, and its still the same. Level 4+ are fine due to players being experienced and making educated choices.

I also do not understand CCPs idiotic drive to force people out to NS. When I got back to the game year and a half ago, I have been mainly in high sec and only use my NS alt once in a great while when people I used to fly with log on. Otherwise I permamently ditched it. There is nothing but ■■■■ out there now and its just getting more shittier. Cap spam all around, bots everywhere of all types and megablobs that have reached idiotic proportions, no more major wars. What are currently called “wars” can’t even come close to losses and destruction that takes place in HS due to simple ganking. How shitty is that ?

Chill in HS with occasional trips to FW or escalations in LS, or WH explo is the way to go. Let entire NS sit and steam in its own ■■■■ and rott. NS is by far the worst place to be in this game and CCP needs to ditch it. Get new players elsewhere doing other things not try to herd everyone there.

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Love to see how you got this information.
'I must have missed that poll… or are you psychic?

–Not-So-Silent Gadget


Yes, Please.

Though, maybe something Agency focused?

–Industrialist Gadget


We need /dance.

–Gadget knows the Robot


Maybe mine and use (new) mission ores* and reprocess to mission minerals* and use those to manufacture mission items*?

(*Nowhere else used nor useful for regular manufacturing.)

On behalf of all players I know of… Ehm just me ofc:

Im mostly doing pve and most of the time Im casual player…


It doesnt change the fact Eve is pvp game and always have been. I actually enjoy the feeling anyone can anytime Im undocked stomp my sandcastle. Without meaningful loss Id lose my interest in playing the game.


Looks like you dont know what the not-so-silent majority actually wants. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s easy to speak for the silent majority, they rarely object to what you put in their mouths; even if it tastes like excrement.


The only thing I’d like to see regarding missions is more “epic” mission arcs. Like the SOE arc… but say 30 of them, for all different factions of various levels.

Most new players are from the types of games where you start at “level 1” run through (hopefully) entertaining missions that tell a story as you progress to the max level and then join the end-game.

That’s not how Eve works… but that’s what people are used to. I don’t really see a problem giving them what they want. A series of connected epic-arc type mission chains that tell the story of New Eden and keep a new player occupied in the game for a few months if they go that route. Hopefully by that point they’re invested enough to try the other parts of Eve (that are frankly a lot more interesting and fun)… instead of leaving after a few weeks due to feeling like they’re going nowhere because they’re not used to sandbox games.


How long does it take for a person to change their worldview from a linear way of thinking to unscripted? I’m sure it takes longer if the linear way is reinforced.

Don’t get me wrong - I actually would like to see the mission system shaken up, as it gets to be a bit stale, but a player is going to need something other than “it’s gotten boring” to embrace the unscripted way of thinking about our niche game. I would worry that with your idea people would just outright quit once the arcs were over and discover that ‘end-game’ doesn’t exist in EvE. At some point they need to be weened off the mission rails.

Unless you’re breeding a new cohort of Incursion runners, that is. Then this works perfectly.

– Gadget does what she wants


Put them all in low and NPCsov space. They’ll be “encouraged” by other players to try different areas of the game :slight_smile:

No you do not, you speak for the loud minority.

Yes the gankers and pvpers who need to have 6 guys to jump a single mission runner

Yes those pvpers and gankers are the real carebears and cant handle anyone questioning their “bravery”

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Ever notice how people with no understanding of life or money, can’t even tell a good idea when it is right in front of their faces

Level 5 missions were always in low sec.

However some people figured out how to cheat the system

Yes of course there was no migration, the people simply quit