There is to much instability atm, stuff dont get sold, and your bids dont get through, and items and money are stuck.
here is my idea that we need to adress everyone.
We will hplay on several brackets… depending on value.
Depending on what isk value you ONLY bid on the following.
“200mil or whatever they are around” raffles Ravens
“600mil or whatever they are around” raffles Navy ravens
“1.8bil or whatever they are around” raffles Golems
“7 bil or whatever they are around” raffles Marshals
“12bil or whatever they are around” raffles Anshar
“70bil or whatever they are around” raffles All Titans
The items here are not set ofc, but you get my idea.
This way the raffles will go through alot quicker, and everyone is happy.
as Always, yes, but that wont help the issue many have. and this shows that you didnt even understand the issue im trying to solve., but your also knows for just trolling
idiot… personally i got about 40 bil isk atm stuck in raffles that never will be done… so i when they get sent back to me, i will once again have to try and bid on something that will come through, but there is no way of knowing. This hesatates me from bidding ( as will other) and raffles will continue to be more a gamble on , will my isk be stuck for 3 Days now, rather than will i win a raffle).
No they needs to change the expeir result.
Insted of the Raffles just cancels out, they should run based on the sold tickets.
That would do a few things.
You Will as creator have to consider the risk Vs rewards for tickets amount and price. Since you risk to lose the item for less of its value if not enough tickets gets sold.
The buyer og tickets now have another gamble aspect buy a tickets on a bigger raffel at a Perhaps more ekspensive pricetag. But get a higher odds since All tickets may not be sold.
3 All raffels ends with a Winner and none og this return ISK an item nonsens.
yea, and i would never sell anything…. you lose to much versus reward… with a market that supports atm over 30 Jumpfreighters…. why would i sell a jumpfreighter if i risk of not even being seen of more that 1 person. and he buy 1 slot…