So will the misuse of the Hypernet be addressed, disallowing them from bidding on their own items? Certainly this is not an intended use: allowing a user to set a “raffle” then buying 2/3 of the tickets once the first third have been purchased. Win or lose the owner becomes rich very very quickly this way.
How is this misuse?
I’m not seeing anything wrong or scammy about this behavior.
Not sure what you mean by win or lose they get rich…if they lose this they lose a lot of ISK.
For example, someone selling an Injector for 1bil, after taxes and cost of cores that is about 910mil they’ll get for the sale.
So they pay 660mil to buy 2/3 of the tickets, then they lose. They just sold an injector for 330mil and are now out 700ish mil…
(these numbers are estimates, this doesn’t require exact math to get the picture)
Because of the cost of cores and tax, they would have to win more than 2/3 of these to start making profit…hardly game breaking, and totally up to luck.
Waiting for the MER to see how much isk is used in the fees for this.
but if they sell an item for twice its value and buy half the tickets then if they loose they get the items fair market value and if they win they get the items fair market value and the item.
with 48 tickets, each ticket would still be 1/24th of the fair market price, which would still attract buyers.
That’s because you can probably do math.
If you’re a total dumdum though, it’s easy to convince yourself that buying your own raffle tickets is somehow beneficial.
The only scenario in which it can help at all is if the raffle is going to expire without a sell-out, in which case you lose your hypercore deposit, and even then, that’s really just mitigating a ticket pricing fuckup at best.
The “scam” here is that they’re finding just enough morons to buy grooooooossly overpriced tickets, but not enough to fill out the auction. It’s not actually a scam, of course, it’s just gamblers being terrible at math (GO FIGURE).
And if they sell all the tickets they get all of the market value?
0% chance of getting the item back for 200% of the value vs 50% chance of getting the item back for 100% of the value?
Maybe don’t bid on raffles that are obvious scams idk
…and you still buy in on it, you’re a fool who is easily parted from his money.
The person buying the ticket gets exactly what they purchased at exactly the displayed price. It couldn’t be any further from being a scam.
It’s still a complete BS scam, as long as it’s an item that is available on the market.
The only interest is for items that don’t go on the market : limited values, BPCs, researched BPOs, rigged ships, …?
So most offers are sh¡t anyhow.
should the seller buy the remaining tickets ?
TLDR : he should 100%.
Let’s say there are M tickets total, and N remain to be purchased to conclude the raffle.
Let’s call E the effective price E=M×ticket_price ; let’s call V the item’s market value.
Let’s call S the scam value, as S = E-V (that’s the total price added over the item’s market price. if the market value is 512M but the sale is in 512 tickets of 1.5M, S = 512×1.5-512 = 512).
We consider the price of putting his hyperscam already paid ; so we don’t care about this value, it makes no sens to consider sunken costs.
If he does not pay for the tickets, he gets his item back. The gain is therefore V, the value of the item.
If he does, let’s call p = N/M . Its the part of the effetive value he has to pay to complete the hyperscam a swell as the probability to win his item back.
he buys N tickets out of M at a total value of E so he paid p×E, and anyhow he gets paid back E the total value of the tickets so its base gain is E - p×E, plus
- chance p that he wins his own raffle, that is to get back the item value V , => p×V
- chance (1-p) that he dos not win the item => (1-p)×0 .
=> average gain is p×V + E -p×E = E + p×(V-E)
We can replace in the previous gain formula with scam value : E= S+V ; and V-E = -S so
- gain if he does not buy the remaining tickets is V (no change)
- gain if he does buy the tickets is E + p×(V-E) = V+S - p×S = V + (1-p)×S
from this last formulas, we know it’s always better for seller to buy his own tickets back, unless S < 0 (but in that case he was making the raffle at loss) ; or unless 1-p=0 so p=1 that is, nobody paid for his ■■■■. Also if all tickets are sold, his gain becomes V+S = E which is consistent.
Therefore any seller should always buy his own tickets back.
This Redit post explains it all and crunches the #s with a fancy spreadsheet toboot.
Be better if we can block certain user from showing up in your feed/list.
can we get this feature added to the hypernet ???
yes. Don’t use hypernet.
It’s all buyer beware bud.
This is the hypernet working as intended.
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