Time for a day of player scarcity, to teach CCP the meaning of the word?

^ Thanks for illustrating just how insignificant our voices sometimes are…

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So you want CCP to take the player driven economy, destroy it completely, and implement a new one where the prices never change? You want CCP to determine the worth of every single item in Eve?

Sure… I mean the market has been player driven for over a decade and has survived this long, so what could go wrong by undoing all of that.

No, I leave that honor to you.

That’s odd, as I don’t see a single ‘statistic’ in your claims here.

I’d look at some if you actually presented some. Your post I responded to did not contain a single fact. You even say so yourself with ‘this is only a personal observation and opinion’. Single when did your personal observation and opinion get elevated to fact ?

Tell that to the people who lost their station :slight_smile:

Bragging about being a structure basher? One of the bottom feeders of PVP?


Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I don’t need lessons in PvP from someone for whom there is zero evidence they have ever undocked. It’s this button…in case you are confused…

Right. Sorry, I forgot you’re both math- and fact-blind, and incapable of following a simple logic chain such as “MERs show this, so go look at the MER”.

And then people wonder why I have to write an essay to back up anything I say…

Here, for the research-crippled, is the link to the MER you’re apparently unable to find:

To narrow things down even further for the hard-of-thinking, ‘Destruction’ is the blue line near the bottom of the first chart.


(PS: Just a note - denial of the facts only shows you have no argument. It doesn’t mean the facts don’t exist.)

Maybe if you tried PvP, then the destruction line might go up?

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Things are expensive - players have become risk averse (unless it’s absolutely safe or a slam dunk). Mainly because you have to work harder for less return to replace those losses. I’m mainly referring to in-game inflation, ie: higher ship and PLEX prices.

And we haven’t even seen the impact from the numerous skill farms that will certainly be shuttered next year (at 6m PLEX, these are already underwater and operating in the red).

I see a lot fewer skill injectors on the market going forward, though…

I didn’t say that.

Also do you really believe CCP didn’t design EVE’s ‘player-based’ economy?

CCP made every part of it from the supply ratios, the blueprint requirements to the resource distribution.

And CCP can change these things when they see the economy is in an unhealthy state which leads to problems in the future whether that is because some resources are too hard to get or too easy.

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No matter how amazingly wonderful I am…my skills do not included retrospectively going back in time and reading some stats you only just posted before commenting on your original post that did not have the stats. However if you have a spare time machine I might be able to do that.

Listening to who, the thousands of conflicting opinions?

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It might be more effective to ask players to assemble in Jita and Amarr to show solidarity but CCP has never cared about it in the past either. The only real way to get changes in game is to follow the only current path… get to know the very few at the top (an always shrinking group) and they will get you a platform to at least speak. Now keep in mind what it takes to become valuable… to become a part of the same cancer which has ruined the game. Catch 22. Good luck. No offense, but better men have been trying for years only to give up and walk away or simply enjoy what little soul the game has left. The best player i ever worked with in almost 30 years of gaming doesnt really have a voice because he doesnt simply agree and become part of the echo chamber. Sad tbh.

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