I could see battleships getting some tweaks, but nothing on the scale of things being talked about here.
Warp speed. A while back I proposed a slight re-alignment of subcap warp speed. T1 Cruisers, Battlecruisers, and Battleships would all get +1 AU/s to their warp speeds (and T2 would be adjusted accordingly). So T1 cruisers would warp at 4 AU/s, T1 Battlecruisers would warp at 3.5 AU/s, and T1 Battleships would warp at 3 AU/s. This would create a nice, consistent decrease in warp speed for combat subcaps (0.5 AU/s per class size) and further differentiate larger subcaps, especially battleships, from capital ships, which would still warp at 1.5 AU/s or slower.
Battleships are still extremely vulnerable to bombers. The re-working of defender missiles as anti-bomb weapons has helped somewhat, but with Destroyers being the only platform they can be fitted to it’s not much trouble to clear the field of them before a bombing run. I would suggest somehow buffing the survivability of defender missile platforms. Not “every battleship with a utility high slot can just fit a defender missile launcher” buff, but “more durable than destroyers” buff. I have no particular suggestion on how to do this. (EDIT: Or, alternatively, consider slightly nerfing bomb effectiveness, but I much prefer leaving unprepared, undefended battleship fleets vulnerable to bombing.)
For far too long, battleships have lacked a consistent EWar platform lineup. Amarr and Caldari each have one EWar battleship, while Minmatar and Gallente don’t. Smaller hull sizes all have one EWar platform per hull size, so remedying this would both help balance the overall subcap EWar lineup, plus offer up more durable EWar options. I don’t have specifics in mind, but each race would get one new battleship: Minmatar and Gallente a dedicated EWar platform, Caldari a dedicated combat ship, and Amarr…well maybe tweak the 'Geddon and add a combat ship or split EWar between the 'Geddon and the new hull.
Just some thoughts…