Time for warp scrambling NPCs inside FW plexes

I’m not asking you to :smiley:

But my points are valid and they stand.

I will not tolerate crying to daddy CCP for un-needed nerfs or things when there are in-game solutions already present.

So Gix how many FW bots are you running to advocate this hard against scrambling rats?


This my only char and account bruv.

I simply don’t approve of crying to CCP to do your job for you :smiley:

What’s wrong with “crying”?
Player feedback is how change gets made.
Also, even if you don’t agree, the perspective is still a data point that must be considered in the total set.

Because crying gets things nerfed when they shouldn’t be :smiley:

Case in point this post.

The OP doesn’t want to end botting or anything like that.

She just wants easy kills when she slides in.

Also look at her post history, you’ll see much crying about nothing.

In reality, her skill issues are what is wrong, not the game.

Frankly, I’m tired of it. I mean it happens in every MMO I’ve ever played and most likely will continue to happen.

People cannot handle losing. Hence her other cry thread about her ruppie where she got outflown :smiley:

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I guess statistics isn’t your strong suit.

LOL it wouldn’t matter if it is or isn’t.

The fact remains it is her skill issue that’s the problem, not the plex.

Her data is flawed because the premise in which she is presenting it is.

What’s funny is I’m all for non-consensual PvP because all PvP is consensual once you undock.

However, it should be PvP. Player vs player.

Now have I killed missioners and ratters? Of course.

But I don’t cry to CCP to make the rats be able to warp scram to make my job easier.

Sometimes prey gets away. That’s how it is.

Your last kill was in September so youre not even actively playing.

The majority of your kills are in high sec.

So i have to assume youre just trolling.


I’m logged in right now bruh :smiley:

What troll the truth?

I can sympathize with the OP. I’m also irritated with LP farmer’s ships in FW plexs. Probably they aren’t bots, but have no intention of doing PvP and will run away if I get within 1au.

However, I disagree with the OP’s opinion because being able to warp out when in danger is necessary for real PvPer too. If I’m in a scout plex with Tormentor and I see three Firetails approaching with D-scan, I’ll warp out.

I have another idea to solve this. It’s about making killing enemy ships yield the most LP, not capturing FW plexs. Also, the loser should also give LP of some percentage of the damage dealt, I think.

If this is realized, there will probably be players who use Alt of enemy faction and do “sock puppet”. But even then, LP farming will be harder than it is now.


That is a good idea. I do think people would abuse that by fitting max tank corvettes that cost like 100,000 isk anc can tank 5000 damage.

LOL at the alt posting :smiley:

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