Time to make Windows 10 as *minimum* supported on Windows platforms

Microsoft ended “extended” (extra cost) support on W7, there is ZERO support for it from Microsoft outside “mainstream” support.

There is NO SUPPORT for it at all from Microsoft.

Mainstream ended, extended ended. It’s OVER.

And? ‎‎

Does that mean CCP should tell people to upgrade?

Even though those people could continue playing on those platforms if nothing is broken yet? No support does not mean that those platforms are broken.

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Set the mininum to Windows 10 like every other gaming company.

It will fix itself naturally.

But why?

If people want to run it on windows 8, they’re free to do so and if EVE still is able to run on it, why tell them otherwise?

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fix what?

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Worth bearing in mind that the Windows minimum system requirements is the minimum to run the operating system, not run the operating system and any workload.

If there is no specific feature of the OS that the application requires, then it is down to CCP as to whether they support the Eve Client running on Windows 7 or not. By “support” they (CCP) will investigate and if reasonably possible issue remedial patches to issues for their software running on Win7.

There is a second issue that’s nothing to do with CCP or Eve: Win7 is out of MS security support - and I’d normally recommend that as a point where you should have moved off a platform (caveat, caveat, caveat).

At some point CCP will want to start using features not available in Windows 7, or will view the customer base running on it as not worth the support effort, and will announce an end of support for the client running on that OS. That will be their decision, not ours.

I’ve reasonable experience of complex IT systems and security risk management issues within them:
Microsoft do a good job on the security of their current Operating Systems - I’d rate a “automatically patched” Windows OS as better than many Linux systems run by tinkerers that “think they know what they are doing”. I get at least as many security patches for my Ubuntu desktop as I do for my Windows 10 boxes.
And Windows as a target environment for an application is a lot more consistent and easier to support than the myriad of different Linux desktop builds, configurations and versions.


Exactly, there is no problem. Take your free Windows 10 upgrade and stop being an anchor dead weight around everybody else’s neck.

What makes you think people who have not yet upgraded to windows 10 are an anchor dead weight around everbody else’s neck?

but windows 10 is far less limited. I mean FFS they took away the ability to freely and easily reformat your pc for no reason

And you still haven’t told me what needs fixing

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It’s a game, not mission critical systems. Your agument is non sequitur.

This is also not about Linux, it’s about W10 as the mininum.

Everything about this thread is a non sequitur.

Edit: apparently some people thought this short post was somehow off topic and flagged it. I may not always be on topic, but this post definitely was.


First, this was a response to:

For those unaware, a non sequitur is a formal fallacy, Latin for “it does not follow”. Which I thought is perfectly accurate for this thread, as the opening post can be summarised as:

W7/W8/8.1 are at end of life.
W7/W8/8.1 market share is decreasing.
Linux market share is increasing.

Ergo, Windows 10 should be the minimum supported windows platform.

Why do I call this a non sequitur?

  1. There is no reason to stop supporting a functioning product. Just because it is at end of life does not mean it is dead.
  2. Current market share of windows is irrelevant for keeping support up that exists for historical reasons
  3. Linux market share is completely irrelevant to the topic (except as perhaps the driving reason to make this thread as it opens the opportunity to again tell us how the Linux market share is growing).

Now why was my post not off topic? If anything is a non sequitur, this thread is. Everything the OP said about end of life of the older windows platforms and the market shares of windows and linux may all be correct, but the conclusion simply does not follow from them.


Whether you like it or not, agree or disagree, if you are using a proprietary system you are in lockstep with their life support cycles, the market share shows clearly that W10 is the winner in Windows platform versions. Crunch time is here. Microsoft have clearly stated, no more support. If your business survival depends upon that, you would be foolish to ignore it.

Luckily CCP does support windows 10, so I don’t see what the issue is.

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No issue in setting it to the mininum then.

Again, why would they?

If EVE can run on windows 7, why tell the players otherwise?

Nothing to stop them running it if they can, just as Linux users can run it.

Just have W10 as the minimum.

At what % of Windows market share do you consider W7/8/8.1 dead?

Microsoft already clearly stated W7/8/8.1 is not viable and dead.

Why set W10 as the minimum when windows 8 and 7 can use it?

And what does Linux have to do with it, except for you being a Linux fanatic?

Don’t you think market share is irrelevant to minimum specs?

Historically EVE supported W7/8/8.1. I don’t see why they should stop supporting it because it falls under a certain market share.

But that’s your goal with this thread: to show how the market share of Linux is higher. Linux linux.


I have nothing against Linux, but you’re tiresome.


incorrect, I am not saying stop supporting Windows, I am saying stop supporting W7/8/8.1 as Microsoft clearly has stopped supporting it.

And CCP will announce the end of support once there is a bug or feature that will require an update to a newer OS to function. That is what CCP did with both XP and Vista as well as different versions of macOS.