Window 10 end support

October 14 2025 is the last day for Windows 10 support. Many people (me included) will need new machines. So I understand this a beyond EVE issue. It would be nice if EVE online could use it size and strength to get its players new machines at a discount . Honestly I think it would be in EVE’s long term interest to do so.

It’s a niche game 99.9999999% of people have never heard of. Including Microsoft employees.

Ain’t no size. Ain’t no strength.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


My PC was £1000…with Windows 11 and RTX 3060, SSD drive, etc. A good PC should last at least 5 years…thats 260 weeks, which is £3.84 a week. Looked at that way it is incredible value for money, and quite cheap.

You don’t need a new computer just because the OS doesn’t get more updates any more.



I built my computer years ago and have upgraded it many times since. It can remain on Windows 10 for quite a while. I don’t like Windows 11 and won’t swap to it until I have no choice. My computer runs great and will run Eve Online with no lag on full settings.

I estimate I have a couple years left before I have to decide whether or not to swap to Linux.

OctalCore Intel Core i7-9700KF, 4600 MHz
MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus (MS-7B51)
AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT 12GB

Three 4K monitor setup.

A good computer should last longer upwards of 10 years.


:eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

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You can use a number of hacks to force Windows 11 onto a machine with no TPM.

Additionally, many motherboards produced over the last 10-15 years have a slot for a TPM but not the module installed, but these can be purchased for around £25 on ebay.

Additionally you can keep on trucking for years on Windows 10 so long as you’re keeping your antivirus up to date etc. It is only when new versions of software start to diverge in terms of their requirements that you’ll need to consider upgrading.

You’ve got options.

No game studio is subsidising player’s machines, or strong arming manufacturers or retailers to do discounts, it’s just not a thing. Insane to even ask.

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The level of mooching (or at least trying to) is off the scale.


Betcha CCP would do it, but then youd have to mine for them 23/7 for peanuts!!

Save you money and continue to use the same computer. Just uninstall Windows and install Linux.


I just addressed this over in the Linux OS forums. People still use Windows XP to this day. End of support from Microsoft doesn’t make the OS completely useless over night. Later this year Windows 12 will be presented as their next roll out. Windows 11 will have an expiration date as well. So what else is new there?

CCP will continue to keep the program running on both Windows 10 and 11, until they decide it is no longer a viable option. I always find the Steam Hardware and Software Survey a good source of data. For example; down the page it reads 55% of players operate Windows 11, 42% Windows 10, and less than 1% running Windows 7. When Windows 10 looks closer to Windows 7, that might be a clue you need to be concerned about your choice of OS.

Meanwhile I see Linux is up to 2.2% and my Arch Linux is on top at present. I agree with Shama up there, install your choice of Linux OS and tell MS where to go.

Fly safe o7


I tried to changeover to Windows 11 on my computers, both of which run Win10 and EVE with no problems - when I did it, EVE slowed to a crawl; I tried to search this forum and other sources for a solution but…

I went back to Win10 and have no problems. They are both fairly new machines, one with an i7 and the other with an i5 with plenty of RAM and decent GPU’s.

I don’t understand why they run slow with Win11. And it’s REAL slow; unplayable.

Why would you need a new PC it’s not like all of a sudden yours will stop working.

I recently moved from Win 11 to Fedora on my Chromebook and EvE now runs like total dog chod. I don’t want to have to go back to 11 and deal with the “CoolStar” drivers as the absolute rotten c**t remotely kills them if you unsubscribe from his Patreon (which he doesn’t tell you anywhere on his website) after you already purchased them.

I might find him and fight him the absolute butternut squash looking f**k.

Need to find a way to make it run on Fedora.

and this too

The answer is Microsoft OS upgrades us out of our old PCs, so they can be shipped off to a landfill in a 3rd world country. The PC manufactures then buy the parts stripped from those old PCs dirt cheap and reuses them in the new PC you buy at the store. Just like the Lion King and the cycle of life.

Thanks Microsoft for helping so much.

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This is why I don’t recycle. My electronics go into the trash. Landfills are way safer for the environment. Recycling is what’s hurting this planet.

It’s like any excuse to slip in some political propaganda with you guys :wink:

