I’m not raging. You only fail to listen. I’m telling you that you’re being an ignorant. Now go and suck it up.
So many “hurr durr” answers here…
Id recommend probing/running HS DED sites.
You can fly navy (and pirate, iirc) cruisers as Alpha and though your efficiency will suck, you can get lucky with some very lucrative drops.
Depending on luck/sites run you probably wont earn enough to PLEX in a month, but potentially every 2nd or 3rd month.
Do your own research for which cruiser, which types of DED to run, and how to run them correctly.
NONE Alphas are FU-BAR for making ISK.
pay 2 win. but then again so is wow
For me, with a little astero, exploration can be a good way to make lot of isk
As an alpha though? Also in what space?
A message to the OP, best thing you can do as Alpha is go Omega.
Just get a bot script and Gila and go at it. It’s what all the cool kids in null-sec are doing…
Wormhole exploration can get quite a lot of ISK if you stick to it you can get enough for a plex within a few weeks/a month if you do it every day, or you could farm combat anomalies and run the DED Escalations they give you and sell that loot. if you need links to guides on any of those things I can get them for you. dont listen to these people saying you can’t plex an alpha through grinding because I know many people who have done it within a reasonable amount of time.
Check out EveProGuides on youtube and watch their videos on how to make isk for Alphas which include one account doing exploration in WH and Null Sec, then 4 other accounts playing the market. You start off slow, but it will pick up pace and you will make a ton of ISK.
Good Luck!
Efficiency can mean a lot of things.
The most efficient in terms of currency and assets invested I suppose would be scamming or corporate theft. The most efficient in terms of time spent actually playing the game might be margin trading. The most efficient in terms of time passed would be to buy PLEX for cash and sell them for ISK, although if you need the ISK to PLEX your account, you can just use the PLEX or sub right away.
There are other methods to make ISK, but most of them are not particularly efficient. But I tend to agree with what others have said before: The only really viable way to make ISK is the one that will keep you engaged. There’s no point in doing something you find boring or tedious just to be able to pay for another month of doing boring and tedious things. I recommend to use the Alpha status to find things in the game that you like doing, and then just sub for Omega to allow you to do them better.
Here’s a tip.
Enjoy being an Alpha. Try everything. Make different Alpha’s. Join different places. Do different things.
And if then you decide that you want to be an Omega? Take a subscription.
Yes, take a subscription. If you swallow the plex, you swallow the opiate economics, and you will forever be stuck in a grind that ultimately bleeds your fun away.
Yes, take a subscription. And when you succeed in making that account all it can be for you to have fun with, then you can consider a second account which you can cover with plex. Because this way, you have something to stand on, you have less of a trap, less bait, and more opportunity.
People here tend to take a royal ■■■■ on alphas. Example like the guy telling you to run 5 accounts, not sure how you are supposed to run more than 1 alpha account since its illegal.
I have found a couple more lucrative methods for new players to follow but this is mostly about being in the right place at the right time.
First lets start with the activity you can do all day long, but requires pretty much full alpha skills in scanning. Do scanning exploration in losec specifically space occupied by sansha pirates and only sansha. Yes you are going to need some basic understandings of d-scan, losec, and survival. Your only going to be looking specifically only for relic sites since they are the only faction that can drop intact armor plates. Depending on the amount of time and time of day this could become pretty lucrative also the ship you need to use is a basic scanny ship and even outfitted it should only cost tops a few mil.
A different activity that can also be very profitable as a alpha is stealing. Basically you drive a cheap and quick frigate, set your crimewatch button on your bar to yellow, and basically try to take stuff of value from wrecks (anyones wreck) and get away in time. This will basically flag you for 15 minutes you can be killed by anyone but you can still dock up. This is not an activity people are going to like you for but the payout can be extraordinary. It will require a basic fast frigate, usually one that can fit a good amount of warp core stabs, also a basic understanding of looting mechanics and hopefully a good understanding of using the map to find lots of activity of people to take from. You will die, probably often, however the few times you don’t die will pay for the times you do by a lot. This one is mostly on being able to find the people to loot, you can use Jita undock to camp but theres lots of competition and its slow. After you have an advanced understanding you can branch out to losec. You can also cycle through all 3 of your possible characters while others on your account are flagged for 15 minutes. Also don’t loot everyone, just the people you deem worth looting.
A few other things.
When people say Nullsec they mean “joining a corp in Nullsec” because none of them are flying in and out of Null that dont have territory there.
Most people who say “go to a wormhole” have never lived there, I have, again if you are not in a wormhole corp, don’t bother with it.
There is significantly less risk in losec than Null or Wormholes mostly because of the lame mechanic known as “bubble camps”, you don’t even want to bother with that place its just a waste of time where people go to play by themselves mostly and tell everyone how great it is to be by themselves.
How to make some ISK in WHs without omega or a corp:
Set up a few alpha accounts. Every account has a scanner, a hacker and a hauler or fighter pilot. All three pilots of the account are in the same corp and the same wormhole, logged out in space. When you want to rake in some ISK log into the scanner and set corp bookmarks for all sigs. Bookmark a route to known space too. If you don’t get shot down you can savelog the scanner and log onto the hacker. Once you are done hacking fly to one of your saves, drop the loot, fly to another save and log out. Log in the hauler, scoop the loot and either bring it to k-space or savelog it too. When you see any threat just switch to a different crew in a different WH.
If WHs get to bussy look for a new WH. As you don’t have a cloak you will get shot down now and then, but don’t bother with it, ISK is still great. And as you always have three ships logged out in the same WH you can always find a way back sometime later. What works best as a hauler is up to taste, I think anything a lone Astero will hesitate to engage works fine. (Anything but a scanning frig or a industrial.) As the scanner and hacker won’t need many skills you can train your hauler into a pilot that can do some low level anoms or even PVP.
use a VNI + best drones and best mods you can use
go ratting with it
guess thats the best you can do with an alpha
Any alpha that wants to plex to omega, consider the following – every plex you buy for your subscription is sold by a player who wants to exchange $$$ for ISK.
a) How many players do you think there are who are willing to pay real cash, on top of their subscription, for in game money?
b) How many new players do you think there are who want to pay in game money to sub?
c) Consider the difference between your estimates for a) and b), what do you think the odds are that a new player will be able to make enough ISK to plex?
Now consider the fact that there are vastly more older experienced players in EVE than new players, many of whom don’t mind buying those plex occasionally to train their alts. So the odds you just estimated in c) are vastly overestimated.
Wormhole relic sites have a 1 in 4 chance to spawn as Sansha. That means they only have a 1 in 4 chance to give intact armor plates. Why not just go to sansha space where you can just get them everytime.
Sending an alpha into a wormhole without a cloak and telling them to “get an astero”, without a cloak, is a death sentence. You obviously want a shiny target that has no way to see whats coming at them.
The real thing that happens in a wormhole when you cant cloak is everyone sees you and you don’t see them.
Most people who actually live in wormholes have ships cloaked at all the wormholes incoming and outgoing in the sytem so they can monitor activity to provide a level of safety. As a alpha you wont have that.
I remember starting in a wormhole corporation, you know what they did for me? Not a whole hell of a lot. Still waiting for the reason why I should of stayed.
If you found a quiet WH you can hack a few sites every day you log in. You don’t have to search for them and you don’t have to roam around. Just log in, see how many sigs are up (you can tell if someone allready farmed the hole), scan and hack. Chances to get caught are pretty low and can be lowerd by picking the right home. The Sansha space on the other hand has lots of compettion and a fair bunch of dedicated hunters.
??? My advice was to get a cheap scanner and to haul in something an Astero wouldn’t go for.
IF you want some WH ISK and IF you don’t want to join a WH corp alphas logged out in mostly abandoned places work fine. If you want to live in a populated WH you have to join a corp. There are some great WH corps out there, that you had a bad one doesn’t mean they are all the same.
Personally, though, I would grab the Meteor Pack from here, with -60% off. With six bucks (in the EU), you really can’t get any cheaper in receiving a month of omega.
Otherwise, the usual : Do ratting, skill up for potential incursion runs as the community there sometimes let even alphas join in (though you might be second choice), be a picket (watch the neighbouring systems for Wat Targets) and get tipped by doing so. Buy up LP for items that are in constant demand (+3/4 attribute implants, Sisters of Eve Combat/Scanner probs and the corresponding launcher).
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