Tips for Bookmarks in EvE

Hello and o7,
maybe some more experienced players can give some advice regarding bookmarks. I wanna know which bookmarks have to be taken in the system you reguarly live in … (Best practice examples)

For example:

1.) Gate Bookmarks (Warpspot ? 400 km under or above gate …? How many and which of them ?)

2.) Safe Spots and Deep safe spots ? (How many ?)

3.) Belt (Warpins) (left, right middle and xxx km away to spot ?)

4.) Dock and Undock at Stations reguarly used …

5.) Sun (Is there a bookmark needed)

How are you dealing with this topic ?
Maybe you can give me some advices or tell me some examples. What Names for Bookmarks do you use (abbreviations, etc.)

It would be nice if you can give me some hints or links to website/YT videos …

fly safe …

I remember last year, when I first started, I had way too many bookmarks. Now I bookmark one unaligned safe spot ( see that link above ) per system I mine, and then I share it globally with all of my characters. Shared bookmarks ( aka locations ) can be created using the Access List from the Social menu.

If the item bookmarked is a cosmic or something I won’t use later, I set it to delete in 2 days. I use code on my mining spots, such as K6 B would mean to me this is a Kernite deposit in the 6th orbit and the B is the second belt.

Another good way to make safe spots is to mark a cosmic outside the last orbit. Once the cosmic is gone, the safe spot can only be warped to by the marker or combat probes while you are there.

I also use the bookmarks to safely navigate pirate systems. For example; if I undock in Abhazon and find 64 people are in local chat, I am going to assume many of them are at the Hykkota or Shera gates. While things were quiet, I planted markers at strategic spots to view the gate before warping to it. I can also sit in my capsule there log off and log on to my other character waiting just the other side of that gate with a full load to shoot through. I know omegas can do that without the 30 second safe logoff but I kind of like living on the edge.

Have fun!

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