If you ever wanted to make some extra cash doing a more unique job then this is for you
Caviar delivery
And how much are they paying you, for to deliver this message?
What is Caviar?
Founded in 2012, Caviar is a technology platform that helps connect diners (individuals and offices) with local restaurants. Caviar partners with the best restaurants in cities across the US, and we’re looking for couriers to partner with us in our fast-growing markets.
1 minute later:
Not Canada, I was trying to find how to Overstrike, but I couldn’t find it .
15 minutes later:
Even under $25/hr, it’s good money.
It’s good for logistics, and there should be more of that.
In fact, I was referring to this too when I graduated in 1985.
That, and, how people and companies can use computers to organize systems to function on the moon, robotized, to build, and on earth, to help people decide what to buy more wisely and efficiently, and make it easier for them to discern by comparison.
They can also decide what to buy to build on the moon and mine , even if under the limitation for maximum amount possible to be mined from celestial bodies, to prevent natural damage.
I like it - Uber for posh foodstuffs…
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