Here’s my story and how I feel I just got benched until things settle down.
I have 7 industry accounts, some of them full indi, some are Indy /capital pilots but mainly Indy. It cost me 150 canadian a month
I have looked at the spread sheets , I have done the math and permanent or not, what am I supposed to do well you sort out the economics? Sit in station and chat…
I pay for all 7 of my accounts monthly. I don’t PLEX I don’t really pvp . I like mining and I like making stuff . Before all the nonsense these were my mining numbers.
With a max orca pilot and 4 max hulk minors ( why hulks because my risk vs reward is worth it) when i feel threatened I have skiffs ,I added another toon to run a hauler to make it a little quicker.
I trained all these skills to max I have a couple back up orca pilots and some Rorqual pilots.
My Rorqual pilots also fly carriers and two to four sub caps at max or close too it.
In high sec I can make about 80-120 million a belt. I trained max miners in all 7 of my toons for barges for both mining and ice. I paid my monthly’s and I mined rocks. It was cool to have my own mining crew. I paid my 22 buck canadian and trained my skills and saved my money to buy an Orca and T2 barges . I saved some more and trained more skills in haulers so I could sell ore at market for more. I got more toons and maxed reprocessing for every resource, my brother worked blueprints and trained miners and orcas , then we did PI.
We trained Into capital ships so we could get rig materials faster and move products.
We liked having to be in a game where we can create.
What ever happens now with this changes until your desired effect happens. I don’t get to play in the game I play in.
I’m not rich , so I can’t afford the ore. The reprocessing is less so it takes more to build the ships. So then I have to get my own ore.
I have to do 3 regions and move the ore to my destination and then get to work.
So now I’m flying ships that are making way less because we have to move more and we have to mine more to make the same things
So I can’t buy the minerals , I can’t get them for myself with out risking losses that I can’t replace basic equipment that now cost more because of import/export freighters.
So I have some JF skills , now the only way I can use my industry toons is jump freighter stuff , but wait they are extremely expensive and now the minerals to replace those are also more.
I am not a mega Corp I’m an eve industry player. All my toons get to sit and wait and do nothing while you “fix eve”.
You talk risk/reward well you don’t fly a mining ship going out to lose it !
You go out in it to make a profit against the risk of losing it.
You can’t tell me making my skiffS let alone my Rorquals that much more difficult and dependant on other players that my of my equipment is worth it. You guys have lost your minds.
All the minerals get trucked to jita and all the industry people work around there now???
My final rant is what else am I supposed to do with all my toons you just grounded ?
I can’t mine or make against the risk vs reward your offering until the market has a new normal…
You are calling this temporary so I’m supposed to pay you 150 bucks a month on accounts well I don’t mine , I can’t fly my ships because I can’t replace them , so I can fly a few small t1 frigate destroyer packs and do some ratting to be able to afford it I guess . Well I only need 1 toon to do that not 7.
Somewhere you guys forgot this was a sandbox game and 15 years later this is what it looks like and now you don’t like it.
You want more people fighting bigger ships make some short range jump able battleships that can have a single cap size weapon so Cap ships have something to be afraid of.
Make another battleship that moves quick like a cruiser and can support sub cap fleets with some heavier fire power but less hp and firepower than a regular battle ship.
Use your head CCP , people want to be in ships and get in fights , they want more fights and although a kill is a kill they want to fight other pvpers.
Fix the big fleet flights before you try and make this game playable on a browser.
I have never been more mad at a video game then now.
I spent the last few months mining saving and buying everything I needed only to find out I’d make so much less with so much more risk That by your own risk by reward motto you have risked me out of playing.
So I’m canceling 6 of my subscription. I only need 1 toon to rat and fly T1 frigates and I hope things change after that cause I’m pretty sure I’ll find another game where I can make ■■■■ and sell it eventually
My answer to you is I won’t continue to give you money to play a sandbox game that “ temporarily says my characters can’t play”
My only voice against you is to unsubscribe. I urge others to do the same.