To the Empire:
From the inception of Project Deliverance, the Curatores Veritatis Alliance and its allies have seen to the expansion of the Holy Amarrian empire in the region of Providence. Securing and civilising Providence as a home for people of the Amarrian empire and its allies to claim for its own.
As evidenced in posts to the galactic forums since I’ve been a capsuleer, CVA has striven to uphold law and order, whilst expanding civilization into null security space. CVA and its allies, over the years, created a path for people to experience null security space without any ties and expectations. With the vision that pilots would come to recognize the merits of its place in New Eden and live to expand the NRDS philosophy that we have advocated for the time we lived in Imperial Providence. We have worked hard for these, nigh on 15 years to create and make a place worthy of the Amarrian empire to claim for itself, even in such as the Empire itself gave a decree in support: recognizing our efforts in providence.
For 15 years we have fought hard for Providence. Today we officially say farewell again, for the 3 time over that period. NRDS has fallen in Providence, and I would expect everyone in providence and the surrounding areas to be NBSI if not now but soon.
As such personally I hold a lot of responsibility in this. While I’m not Amarrian, I have strived to be the best version I could be, as well as aimed for the ideals of what CVA was founded on and what Aralis always believed (the leader of CVA when i came into this). If anything, we have stood our ground to the stubbornness of ourselves for a long period of time. I will not blame others, I do not blame anyone but myself in the failures of today. As such, I would like to thank all those who put their effort and faith into what the goals of CVA and the goals of Providence were. I’ve always believed that individual responsibility, hard work, and common beliefs would make a great and strong providence. It does seem that upon some reflection that simply isn’t all that is required at current.
Therefore, I’m personally apologizing to the Empire, for our failures in keeping Providence Amarrian. As such, CVA as an alliance along with those who would / will continue to follow our path, are now going to seek out our penance , retribution, and strength throughout New Eden upon those who have done Providence and the Empire wrong. For 15 years, we have kept a long and extensive list of those who failed to follow in accordance with the policies of Providence. For far too long they have been left unpunished in their ways from the Empire and CVA.
Henceforth, CVA has begun our penitent crusade, Operation Retribution. What once was a goal to develop a peaceful place for all who wanted to participate in commerce and live in peace is now gone. What remains is our plan to seek penance and strive to strengthen and let the dogs that inhabit Providence grow fat and lazy. We will be seeking vengeance on those who have made our list: passing judgement on the heretics, sentencing them to their richly deserved fate.
Until such time as we can proclaim “Amarr Victor” over our enemies remains and reclaim Providence once more.
To all those that have made Providence what it is over the past 15 years, that lived by it’s policies and beliefs which made CVA and Providence endure, those I have been glad to call friends and especially the alliances that made up the sovereignty holders who put effort into making Providence what it was every day. Many people have come through Providence, many people have gone. Some even take part in removing us as it is today. I hope that you had some good times to reflect upon during your time in Providence.
Above all, remember
Amarr Victor