… but … but … your post is off topic too!
No it’s not. Nostalgia is what gets active people to recreate retro stuff, which increases the amount of content as a whole by re-inventing old stuff for newer times … but I guess I can agree that nostalgia is also worthless and a waste of time for people who only want to consume, who have zero actual skills in anything.
Haven’t you posted this before?
Why yes, you did.
How boring.
–Bored Gadget
Yeah, the difference it makes is amazing, even if you get used to it easily.
Please report this topic as SPAM it is pointless.
You mean as boring as yours?
Get to work, I’ll bump this crap up until you all produce good posts again. Where is this bro from the Troll Brigage, forgot his name in this new garbage forum layout, anyway, he wasn’t even trolling most the time. Now, all I see are sad kids in the forums that are probably hipsters, you know, the type of people that bring their bicycles to their dining rooms because they think it is cool. Well, you’re not. Come on forum vets, where are you ??!?!!!
You bored them to death!
There is nothing worth doing anymore
Boring to you maybe, same<–>same to me, eve forums has never been a bastion of “deep reading” it has had it’s colorful characters but almost all posts are complaints and whining, and when someone does decide to post something other then those 2 things the trolls have a feeding frenzy like;
Post will be removed blah blah blah.
So mostly people don’t bother to post because people have lost the art of hanging out and waffling without it descending into poo slinging.
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